Chapter 18

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"Shit! Hold her down!"Evelyn orders as he pins her down and I search my scrolls and found her sedate and sedate her with the needle.

Addie's POV

I woke up to this pounding headache and yawned lazily as I sat up and observed my surroundings and found myself in my room, I looked over at my alarm clock and saw it was six o'clock in the morning...SIX FUCKIN O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING!! As you can tell, I am not a morning person. I groan as I roll over to find a piece of paper with writing on it so I sat up and let my eyes adjust to the darkness so I could read the letter 'cause I'm clearly not getting out of bed today

Dear Addie,

If your wondering how you got home, I took you there. The reason why? Your demon inside you had tried to take over, causing you to black out and let the darkness consume you, I found someone you need to train with, it'll help you and they promised to keep your secret a secret between us. I hope you feel better

Much love & care,

Evelyn Hatake

PS. You have to go today so get your lazy ass out of bed and go into the forest outside the Village gates, Izumo and Kotetsu already know of what's going on so your good. ...Meet there at 8 a.m btw

I sigh as my plans of staying in bed are ruined as I get up and trudge my way to the shower and put on my normal outfit that I usually wear and go down stairs to eat breakfast just so I could be ready if we would have a long practice. I finished breakfast and decided that I would have a stroll around town, just to get settled.

Evelyn's POV

'I remember exactly what Hokage-sama wanted me to do but...I'll be gone for three years for my training, I could either leave now or wait till we get our new Hokage, which should be soon. I need to become stronger, take all the time you want Naruto, Jiriya.' I thought and walked into the house with Kashi following me, he's been there all along

"Your thinking of what's going to happen for the next three years aren't you?" I heard Kakashi sigh, making me nod my head and look around the place

"I'm just, I need to get stronger to protect the village and the...Hokage...told me to train with what's ever in this scroll with my summoning's, I just don't want to leave it all behind just for training..." I say and hang my head and feel hands on my shoulders so I look up to see it was dad's.

"You'll be fine, plus, Naruto might leave the village to train with Jiriya, so your not alone. But you better say good-bye to them or else they'll be pissed" he says making me roll my eyes and chuckle at his funniness.

'I have a feeling I know who this new Hokage will be...' Rei spoke in my mind, making me jump in the process, making Kakashi raise an eyebrow

"Something wrong?" he asks with a tilt of his head

"Nah, I just haven't gotten used to Rei talking in my head yet" I explained as he shook his head playfully and laughed making me pout

"Since we were just on the topic of-" he stated but was interrupted when there was a knock at the door so I got up and answered it when an ANBU was shaking me by the shoulders while saying something I couldn't understand due to the dizziness

"What the hell...are you talking about?" I asked as he finally let go and I had my hand on a wall to keep me balanced when I heard something I didn't want to hear

"Hatake-san, we have been informed that there was two Akatsuki Members that are in the village, fighting two of our Jonin; Asuma and Kurenai. We need both you and your Daughter's assistance due to a sharingan possessor and we have been confirmed it was Itachi Uchiha" the ANBU explains before leaving, causing me to choke on my spit at what I heard

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