Chapter 13

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I was at the cafe, in the kitchen eating a donut. Sandy always lets us have little sweets from the kitchen and there so good no one can resist.

"Eva table number four" said Paul entering the kitchen with a tray full of dirty plates.

I hurriedly gulped down the last bit of donut that was left and moved outside. I walked towards the table four getting the notepad out of my pocket.

Upon reaching there I saw it was Carter's gang and Caroline. I groaned imwardly, why do i always have to serve them?

"What do you want to order" I said with a smile.

"Caroline do you remember Eva?" Said Diana sweetly.

Caroline who was busy in her phone looked up at me. Her perfect auburn hair flowing down, her green eyes, long lashes and those full lips. Caroline Richards is a beauty.

"Nope" She said.

"Thats fine, nobody really remembers or care about Eva Evans" said Haley as the rest of them snickered.

"You know Eva's mother is marrying a really rich guy" said Diana again. "She invited everyone in school to come to her mom's wedding."

"Really?" Said Caroline leaning forward. "How does it feel having two dads?"

The table erupted in laughter including Carter. I was about to speak but Haley beat me to it.

"You know Carter is so generous he told Eva he'd ask his mother to give them discount wedding clothes" said Haley.

"Really Carter?" Said Caroline looking at Carter.

"Yea, my mom told me to help needy people."

They all laughed again, I could feel my cheeks turning red, this was beyond humiliating.

"Hey Eva" came Kaiden's voice from behind me and I turned around to look at him.

"What are you doing here" I asked.

"Your shift is off, lets go home" He said.

"Hi, how are you" said Haley before I could answer Kaiden.

He looked towards her and nodded.
"I haven't seen you around"

"Your the new kid in school right?" Said Diana. "Your getting really popular already"

"Why don't you sit with us" said Haley.

"There's no need to do that Haley" growled Drake.

Kaiden's eyes shifted from Drake to Caroline and stood there, Caroline looked back at him, there was somwthing happening there that I didn't quite understood.

"Nice watch" said Haley staring at the expensive Rolex Kaiden was wearing.
"I think it runs in the family, going for the rich guy" said Caroline, her eyes shifting between me and Kaiden.

"Shut up" I finally said, having enough of what they were saying.

"Or what?"

"Or I'll kick your ass"

"Don't you dare speak to her like that" Said Carter standing up and towering over me. I was angry at all of them but more on Carter. Why is he standing up for Caroline? Why is he protecting her? I wanted to say something, do something but wasn't able to. Kaiden lightly grasped my hand and pulled me to his side.

"Don't you ever speak to her like that" he said to Carter and dragged me away.

We were walking back to my house.
I sniffed and wiped the little tears that dared to escape. Kaiden was walking beside me, we hadn't uttered a word yet and somehow I was thankful for that.

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