Derek Hale

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You and Derek entered the lost with Derek leaning on you for support, you slowly lower him onto his bed and tell him to take off his shirt, you can help but look, but focus back what you were planning to do.
You sit next to him on the bed and start to clean the cuts as he watches you intensely, he holds onto your wrist you look up at him confused he has a slight smirk on his face 'Y/N, you know I will heal in time you dont need to do that' you carry on doing this and reply ' I do, I caused this'.

You, Derek, Isaac, and your brother Scott were all fighting the twins and Ennis at the school. As Isaac and Derek were fighting the twins you and scott had ennis, it was going in our favour as now the twins and Ennis are weaker and easier for us, now Ennis was in the floor and the twins seprate somewhere in the corridor. I turned round to see if Derek was ok but he had a weird look in his eyes, fear? That was when I got thrown against a wall hitting my head. That is when Isaac came running to you 'hey your ok', then I saw Ennis coming to us he throw Isaac away as he raised his arm to attack I closed my eyes but no pain came then I saw Derek there as Ennis hurt him instead as he stood in frount of me the two of them got in a fight, both of them drawring more blood from another intill Scott, Isaac and I helped and got Ennis of and went to the car.
*End of Flashback*

Derek gently put his hand under you chin so you would look up at him, ' its not your fault I choose to do what I did, I couldnt see you get hurt', you smiled slightly, then he leaded down and connected his lips to yours and then pulled away slightly looking into your eyes 'I love you'. For most people thise three words would not mean much but coming from Derek and everything he has been though it did mean alot to you.

Teen wolf Imagines and preferencesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin