Chapter 1

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I wake up with light blinding my eyes, I reluctantly sit up groaning rubbing my eyes and face. I’ve obviously slept in. I sit up and rest my head on the backboard of the bed and have a long think about the summer and everything that has happened. And possibly could happen.

First day back to school and I’m already late, great. The summer has been so mad. I’ve been to like over fifty parties, slept with loads of chicks and was wasted most days… if that isn’t crazy then god knows what is! The parties were amazing, I can’t wait to host my own it will be the best, and it will be the only thing people will be talking about, it will have everything!

 I want to have it as soon as possible but there is one thing stopping me; my parents. They say I have to improve my grades first. I mean what the? I am a seventeen year old guy, I have girls chasing after me, I’m hot, I get what I want, I’m no good boy! I need to keep up my reputation; I don’t give two flying monkeys about my grades, all I care about is cars, girls, money and alcohol. But if I’m wanting this party badly then I guess I will actually have try. Soon. My party will be the bomb. It’s not just going to be any party it will be the ultimate party, the party where my status will blow the roof off outside of school, no need for inside of school I already rule that place!

 I drag myself out of my oh-so comfy bed. My manly hood is hard, very hard, well with the dream I had last night I wouldn’t be surprised! As I enter the bathroom to shake my snake my ringtones goes off; life when you’re the best, being the best, looking the best, sounds the best. We are best…

 I miss the call... My ringtone is my band and our first song, we got a grade A for it in school, it’s catchy although looking back on it’s a bit of a  cringe, the song we created the year when everything went right, it is a really good song though not bad considering we created it when we were fifteen! You’ve just got to love it though, the beat and the guitar solos are just the best. It’s the only A I’ve ever got in school and that’s saying something. It’s called We Are The Best. If it wasn’t obvious already.

Sometimes I get so distracted by the song I forget to answer the call… just like now. What can I say every time I hear the song brilliant memories of the past come flooding back? Oh well if the call was important they will probably call again.

 I make my way back into the bathroom; I take a leak and then shower.

 When I finish in the shower I quickly dry off and get ready. Changing into my briefs, I check myself out in my full view mirror I can see myself from head to toe and damn I’m looking good. People wonder how I pull so many chicks I mean come on have you seen my body! I’m in shape my abs and my muscles are impressive and irresistible. The ladies dig six packs and muscles, having said that I actually need to hit the gym sometime this week. It’s been a while.

 I change into my jeans and skin tight top. To finish my look off I put on my black leather jacket and converse all stars. They are the original black ones, they’re legendary if you ask me.

 We are the best plays from my phone. Again. The caller is very pleasing; Britney. She is a smoking hot blonde in my year; she is so hot and damn sexy!

 I count to five before answering; I don’t want her to think I’m keen or anything. Which I’m not. I don’t want her to think I like her I just want to sleep with her there is a very BIG difference.

 I hold it to my ear waiting for her to screech down the phone.

“Hey Ethan, Baby!” Britney chirps from the other end of the phone.

“Yo babe,” I casually say.

 She giggles. She loves it when I call her babe. Most girls do!

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