Chapter 18

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After our all night long visit to see my dad I drive Brittney home.

"I like your parents they are good people,"

"Yeah they are,"

She looks so nervous.

"Ethan did you see Chad propose to Bella today?"


"They look so happy together, do you think we could ever get engaged?"

"Maybe," I say with a grin on my face.

She grins happily looking very excited. I pull up outside of her house. I get out of the car and walk her to her front door.

"Do you want to stay over tonight?" She asks.

Should I? Mom is staying at the hospital tonight with dad so I guess staying at Brittney's house couldn't do much harm can it?

"Sure," I say walking into Brittney's house with her.

As we make our way through her house and up to her bedroom I notice that her house is huge! It's grand and expensive and kind of posh, her parents must be loaded! We enter her bedroom. It's very different from what I expected it's not pink and girly.

It's huge and filled will simple dull colors cream and white. It looks posh like rest of the house that I've seen. The back wall is filled with a long white full wall wardrobe. Half of the wardrobe doors are full mirrors. The windows are covered by big heavy cream curtains. A posh queen size bed stands in the middle of the room. The frame of it is dark brown oak wood. Over the actual bed hangs a white and cream canopy. It looks very complicated I would hate to get tangled up in that first thing in the morning.

Brittney walks over to her bed and sits; she pats at a spot gesturing for me to join her. I join her. Our hands entwine together.

"Ethan I love you, you know that right?"

"Yeah I know, why?" I ask wondering what she is trying to get to.

"Whatever happens with the baby and all you will still love me right? We will still be together?"

Why is she being so insecure?

"Yeah of coarse baby, now stop fussing there is no need to be so insecure everything will be alright, me you and the baby we will be a happy family I promise you, it will be our own family," I chirp.

She smiles at me sweetly. I kiss her gently.

"So what do you want to do?"

"Cuddle up and watch a film,"

"Sounds like a plan,"

"My choice," She gloats.

Oh great! Ethan prepare to be bored with a chick flick!

"Oh the joys," I joke.

She doesn't tell me what she is putting on, she presses some hidden button by her bed and a flat screen TV appears at the bottom of her bed hanging from the top.

"Close your eyes," She whispers.

I lie down on her bed with my head on her pillow and I close my eyes. She chooses some film. I hear the music of the movie start and she lies on my chest.

"You can open your eyes now baby," She says.

I sit up slightly making sure I don't disturb Britt. The film starts; it doesn't seem like her usual chick flicks. It's called Innocent Prisoner. I've never seen this before.

Half way through the film Brittney is in tears. I put my arm around her and she cuddles me soaking my shirt with her tears.

By the end of the film we are both very sleepy. It was a really good film but not really something I would cry at. Brittney turns it off and we fall asleep together in each other's arms.

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