Chapter Eight..

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Many of you might or might not he aware of the situation in Burma.Burma is a country located between China and India rulled by Buddhis army and that has a fairly large Muslim community called Rohingya which is being slaughtered.Many Muslims have been killed and others are being tortured.These Muslims flee to Bangladesh as Bangladesh has opened their boarders for these Muslims.No one who is a Muslim is spared in these massacres.Children,women and old are killed mercilessly...I beg you please pray for these Muslims no matter what religion you are or,humanity needs no religion.If you unaware of what is happening please Google it.
It's a small request please pay heed to it...Jazakallah...

Nazmeera stood in front of all the women of the tribe,her eyes glaring holes into many of the women who had hurt her sister wife,Aamanah.All these women's eyes were cast downwards and when Nazmeera begun speaking then only did they lift their eyes.

"Women of my cousin's husbands tribe who is my husband as well,I have gathered you all here today to teach you all a very important lesson.Until a few weeks ago I was under the misconception that since I have entered this tribe and after my very first warning to you all,your harsh words against my sister had stopped," Her eyes got a cold look when she looked at the woman she had slapped who's name she had heard was Tahseen,"But I was wrong!It seems as if you think that I was just joking but I was not."

Nazmeera looked at the older group of ladies who sat on the right side and she walked up to them,she felt everyone's eyes on her.Once she reached them she spoke,"Oh wise women of this tribe,you all have age and experience yet you fall behind in teaching your children the rights and wrongs.I am not doubting your upbringing by saying this because a child whose first school is her mother's lap,how can her upbringing have lacked anything.You are wise oh mother's of this tribe's daughters.Teach them about taqdeer and how the law of the Almighty works.Allah forbid that my Aamanah's barreness is taken away by Allah and passed to one of your daughters."

Saying that she turned to the woman,"Oh women of this tribe,you all are aware of the incident of when Nabi Muhammed (SAW) entered Makkah and Abu Sufyaan once an arch enemy of Nabi Muhammed (SAW) went to seek the shelter of Nabi (SAW),Nabi (SAW) did not refuse him.Nabi (SAW) took Abu Sufyaan under his protection and sheltered him from the wrath of the Muslims.Abu Sufyaan feared the wrath of the Muslims but the Muslims feared the wrath of the Lord.Fear your Lord oh women of this tribe,by the Lord of the Arsh one who slanders a woman has committed a grave crime.Fear your Lord and fear His ability to take what he gives you.Fear Him oh women,for if He takes there is no one who can give."

Nazmeera walked to the group of women who she now knew slandered her sister wife and tortured her sister wife with their words,their eyes were downcast but she ordered them to look up and once they did she spoke.

"You all stand here,lowering your eyes but does your heart know the crime you have committed?Do you women realize the extent of what you have done or are you women just putting up a show?Wallahi you have hurt the heart of a chaste woman,if her heart has at any stage cursed you,you should fear.In the court of our Lord,no heart that cries is ignored.You all should pray to the Lord to forgive your crimes and once your hearts come to terms with the crime you have commited,then go to my sister wide and ask her for forgiveness,for it should not be such that you have hurt her heart and her tears reached the Lord in such a way that you are rendered barren and her womb is filled with a seed that bares her a child.Seek the Lord's forgiveness then seek my sister wife's forgiveness."

Saying that Nazmeera walked out of the tent,towards her sister wife's tent.

On the other side Aamanah sat in her tent next to Hamza,who rubbed her back and held her hand tightly as they waited for Nazmeera to come back.

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