Chapter Twelve

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Aamanah was bent over the toilet bowl and she felt everything she ate come back up.Hamza held her hair back and rubbed her back,he felt Nazmeera behind him and when Aamanah was done he flushed the toilet and helped her up.

Aamanah washed her mouth and when she was done Hamza helped her to the bed where Nazmeera was waiting with a glass of water with a lemon wedge on it.

"Ya Allah,three more months of this." Nazmeera patted her head.

"Its all going to be worth it in the end."

Aamanah nodded her head and looked at Hamza who had a painful look on his face.Nazmeera tapped her shoulder and nodded at her before walking out.

Hamza kneeled in front of Aamanah on the floor,"It hurts me to see you like this." He said as he laid his head on her lap,wrapping his arms around her waist.

Aamanah ran her hand through his hair,"As Meera said its all going to be worth it in the end.In Sha Allah we will find the perfect food that our baba won't reject that isn't crackers and cream cheese."

"I hope so.I can't bare to see you puking everything you eat only to look pale.Lay down for a while,Nazmeera wants to go shopping do you need anything?"

Aamanah thought for a few minutes and then nodded,"Bubblegum ice cream from Ash's,pleaseeeeee!"

Hamza chuckled and nodded,"Okay,I'll bring you a big tub."

She nodded and laid down,Hamza covered her with the bed sheet and kissed her lightly,"We should be back by the time you wake up."

Aamanah hummed back and Hamza left the room only to find Nazmeera washing the last of the dishes.

"Ready to go?" She turned around and nodded,grabbing her handbag which was on the counter.

They drove to the supermarket talking about Aamanah and trying to figure out what they could feed her to stop her from puking.They reached the supermarket and got out.

Once inside Hamza got a cart and begun following Nazmeera as she picked up different food items.Hamza gave her a weird look when she stopped in front of one aisle and she looked down blushing.

"Nazmeera come on let's go here."

Nazmeera closed her eyes in embarrassment and shook her head,"I'll go alone."

Hamza gave her a weird look then looked up at the board which said what was in the aisle and it was his turn to blush before rolling his eyes.

"I'll come with you.I'm your husband not some stranger."

"But..." Hamza cut her off,"But nothing.Now walk."

Nazmeera groaned and mumbled about how stubborn he is.The minute they got into the aisle Nazmeera started looking and Hamza rolled his eyes again.

"Why are you women so fussy when it comes to pads?Just take anyone they all the same."

Nazmeera turned to face him with wide eyes,her face going red and looked around to see if anyone heard him,"Shhh lower your voice.Do you want the whole store to hear you?"

"You my wife." Nazmeera turned back to the rack,"Ya Allah grant me sabar to deal with this man." She found her brand before putting a few packets onto the cart.

"You didn't answer my question." Hamza said as they carried on walking and Nazmeera moved back so she was walking next to him.

"Its about the one we feel most comfortable in and they all not the same,the quality is different." Hamza enjoyed seeing her face go red but he still continued just to tease her for a bit.

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