Chapter Twenty-Two

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Nazmeera smiled at Hamza as they walked to the car waiting for them,they were in Malaysia(P.S.I changed it from Abu Dhabi).One of the countries on her bucket list to visit.

They sat in the car and Hamza looked at her with a smile,"Welcome to Kuala Lumpur."

Nazmeera giggled at his words and looked out the window with a huge smile,"I've waited so long to visit this place.I can't wait to tour."

Hamza took her hand and placed a kiss on the back of it,"I will be more then happy to be your tour guide."

The rest of the ride passed with them messaging the family that they had reached safely.The driver soon pulled up to Barjaya Times Square.The poster came to take their luggage and they walked in.

"Take a seat there while I get our room key." Hamza said pointing to the couches on the one side of the reception area.

"Okay." Nazmeera walked to the couches and she looked around admiring the Christmas decorations.

Nazmeera sat down and immediately her eyes fell on a small child walking around the table where the couches were situated.Her eyes then fell on the mother who kept on calling the child but the child just giggled and continued walking.The child's eyes fell on Nazmeera who smiled at her and her smile was returned by a toothless one.

Hamza watched from afar as the woman at the reception got the keys,he smiled at the way the child now stood in front of Nazmeera and the child's mother spoke to Nazmeera.

"Here's your room key as well as the WiFi passsord Mr.Hamza." hamza turned around and took the key,"If you need anything please contact reception and we will try to help you.Breakfast is on the 5th floor,starts  at 8 o'clock and ends at 10 o'clock.You can order breakfast to your room if you do not feel like eating in the dinning area.The pool is on the 6th floor as well as spa and gym.The entrance to the mall is on right side",she pointed past the lifts,"The door can open with this card." She handed him another card and he took it.

"Thank you.Have a nice day."

"You too sir." Hamza turned and walked to Nazmeera who was waving to the child as the mother and father walked away.

"Come let's go Nazy." Nazmeera stood up and he slid his hand into hers.They walked to the lift with the porter following them.

Nazmeera was in awe once they reached the penthouse,it was simply beautiful and as she moved to the glass window leaving Hamza talking to the porter.

From the penthouse she had a view of the Twin Towers and in the night the lights were beautiful from afar.

Nazmeera heard the door close and soon enough Hamza was behind her with his arms around her waist,his chin resting on her head.

"How do you like the view?"

"Beautiful.I can't believe I'm here."

Hamza placed a kiss on the crown of her head and turned her around,"You deserve this and so much more which I will make up for."

Nazmeera lost her smile when she saw the dark look take over his beautiful light eyes and she cupped his cheek on the palm of her hand,"Hamza that is in the past now.Right now what matters is that we together and that we can make up for all lost time.Which can begin with," She put a hand to her tummy and gave him a look filled with pain,"You feeding me some delicious food."

Hamza smiled at her and nodded,"Of course,but maybe we can first freshen up shower and stuff and then go?"

Nazmeera nodded and they walked to the room where Nazmeera opened the bag that she knew had most of her important clothing articles and other necessities.

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