Chapter Twenty-Three

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Hamza was restless as he slept that night and he looked at Nazmeera who seemed to be sleeping peacefully.He got off the bed,slowly in a bid not to disturb Nazmeera.He grabbed his phone and walked to the lounge.

He searched for Aamanah's number and once he found it,he pressed on it to call her.

Aamanah was in a deep sleep when the phone rang and she jolted awake,groaning as she reached for her phone and then put it to her ear.


Hamza smiled at the tired voice of his wife,"Wa alylum mu salaam Manah."

Aamanah groaned again,"Why are you calling so late?"

"I wanted to know if you fine." Aamanah was jolted awake by that and she sat up in bed.

"Nam I'm fine.Why would you ask?Is everything alright?"

Hamza sighed and he put a hand against the large glass panel,"I just felt like I needed to call you."

Aamanah frowned,"What's wrong Hamza?"

"I feel guilty.Guilty about being away from you.Guilty at the fact that you pregnant and I'm away.Guilty that we have waited so long for this and that I'm not with you."

Aamanah sighed softly,"Hamza I know what you are feeling and its not easy on me either but Nazmeera has given up so much for the two of us.Can't we give up this much for her?And Hamza knowing her if she has to hear you say such things to me she will be hurt and she will blame herself,please don't let that happen please."

Hamza did not know what to reply but he knew Aamanah was right,"But Aamanah it still feels wrong,like...."

"You cheating on me?"


Aamanah shook her head,"Hamza no one said this will be easy but remember you beginning to give her your heart as well.Don't make me a downfall of your marriage.Remember she is your wife as am I but right now she has more rights on you.Knowing Nazmeera she already has the whole year ahead planned out of how she wishes that you only spend time with me and the baby.I didn't just give you this other week with her for no reason.This was my reason so that she sees that now she means much more to you then just my cousin." Aamanah went silent for a few seconds,"Hamza Nazmeera has always been a second choice please this once make her a first choice please."

Hamza leaned against the window and sighed,"What about you?"

Aamanah chuckled,"Me?Well I got our baby in my womb,I got my sister to talk to me again and I have the best husband in the world.Things have changed but perhaps this is how it was meant to be in our taqdeer.So now I just look up to the skies and pray to my Lord that he guides me.I have to take some of the sabr from Nazmeera and use it.Now I cannot just think about myself now I have to think about our child,you and Nazmeera also.Now its my turn to sacrifice.Understood?"

"Yes habibty,anything you want from here?"

Aamanah bit back a laugh as she spoke out,"Yes a sibling for this baby."

Hamza somehow lost his footing and landed up on the floor,"WHAT?!"

Aamanah burst out laughing and she shushed him,"I love you habib.Take care of yourself and Nazmeera."

"I love you too dumbo.Sleep well."

He cut the call and shook his head at what Aamanah had said before getting up and making his way to the room only to find Nazmeera moving restlessly.Hamza quickly slid into the covers and held her close to him.He whispered Ayatul Kursi in her ear and she slowly calmed down but Hamza did not let her go.He was not going to let go of her any time soon.

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