Chapter Forty-Six

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Aamanah's eyes fluttered open when she heard the wailing of the baby.She groaned as she begun to get up but was pulled back.

"Sleep.I'll take care if him." Aamanah looked towards Hamza with blurry eyes,"What if the other one wakes up?" Which was bound to happen if the crying baby was not comforted.

There was a knock and the door opened slowly to reveal a sleepy Nazmeera,"I'll see to him." Aamanah laid back down only to hear another wail and the bed creek as Hamza got off.Her eyes shut close once both the wailing children were quiet.

Nazmeera and Hamza cradled the children as they took them to the nursery.Nazmeera glanced at Hamza.

"I'll feed Umar while you change Uthmaan and once you done I'll feed Uthmaan." Hamza nodded and Nazmeera took a seat on one of the rocking chiars,she unzipped her gown and brought Umar to her chest.He latched into her breast and Nazmeera closed her eyes,sighing.

She could remember the first time she did it.It had been the day they got home.Aamanah had called Nazmeera to the room and made her sit down after handing a hungry Umar to her.Aamanah then showed her how to feed the child.That had been a great moment for Nazmeera to form her first connection with the baby.

"Nazmeera,take Uthmaan give me Umar." Nazmeera's eyes opened and she looked down to see Umar's eyes closed.She looked at Hamza who sleepily smiled at her and laid Uthmaan in the crook if her other arm,he then took Umar while Nazmeera brought Uthmaan to her chest.

Nazmeera watched Hamza take a seat in the rocking chair opposite her's and rock back and forth.Hamza cradled Umar to his chest,rubbing his back to get him to burp and once he did,Hamza brought him back to cradle in his arms.He looked over at Nazmeera who had Uthmaan in a similar position now that she was done feeding him.

"Can I take Umar to my room tonight just in case he wakes up again?" Nazmeera asked Hamza who nodded knowing that Nazmeera had two cribs on her room.

They both stood up once the children were asleep and Hamza kissed Nazmeera's forehead as she proceeded to her room after they once again exchanged children.Nazmeera laid Umar down,her hand caressing his cheek.He was an absolutely stunning baby and she was in love with him.

Aamanah woke up and looked at the time.She gasped seeing that it was already 10 o'clock.She shook her head figuring out that Nazmeera had probably taken care of the children.Aamanah got out of bed and did her routine before taking a shower.

When she was done she walked out of the bedroom only find Nazmeera on the floor where she'd placed Umar and Uthmaan in the carriers.Aamanah watched Nazmeera baby talk with the children and she smiled.

"As salaam mu alaykum." Nazmeera looked up at Aamanah and smiled.

"There's mummy.She's finally awake." Aamanah chuckled and sat next to Nazmeera cooing at her babies.

"Salaam mu alaykum Umar and Uthmaan." She kissed their foreheads and looked at Nazmeera,"You should have left them."

Nazmeera gave her a smile and shook her head,"It was no problem anyway Umar was with me so I just took Uthmaan while Hamza is gone out."

"To where his gone?"

"To buy some groceries...." Nazmeera would have continued if the door did not open to reveal Hamza and a few bags.

"Help." Nazmeera chuckled and made her way to him,taking a few bags.

"Did you buy the whole store?" Hamza glared at Nazmeera as they sat the bags in the kitchen.

"No I bought extra fruit." He moved towards Nazmeera,his hands on her hips and she put her hands on his chest.

"I brought your favorite strawberries." Nazmeera smiled and Hamza leaned down to peck her lips.

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