Chapter Forty-Seven

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Nazmeera walked into the kitchen and begun preparing breakfast waiting for Hamza to come.She took a cup of coffee and leaned against the granite table,thinking of a way to get away with helping Hamza and him not being suspicious.She had a whole plan in her brain but would it work out she did not know.

Hamza walked in and Nazmeera smiled at him,pushing his plate towards him.

"Breakfast." Hamza gave her a smile as he sat down but he also frowned seeing her in a formal outfit.

"Where you going to?" Nazmeera smiled at him and moved closer.

"I'm needed urgently at work so I need to go back." Hamza frowned lowering his cup of coffee.

"But I thought Ilyaas was handling everything well." Nazmeera nodded her head and mentally apologized for her lie.

"Yes he is but this is an important deal so I'll need to go back for today and if it pulls longer then perhaps until the end of next week." Nazmeera laid her hand on his smiling,"As soon as I'm done I'll be back on leave."

Hamza nodded unsurely,"Okay even though I don't agree.This means I'll have to handle one twin when they both need to be fed.This is going to be hectic."

Nazmeera almost flinched when he said that but smiled assuredly,"You'll be fine so will Manah." Nazmeera gazed at the clock and leaned forward to press a kiss to Hamza's cheek but Hamza being Hamza turned his head and caught her lips in a fiery kiss.Nazmeera's hands crept up to his shoulders but then realized what he was doing.She pulled back and glared at him.

"Not going to work Mister.I need to go to work." Hamza pouted realizing that his effort to keep her at home failed.He nodded and gestured to the door.

"Okay.Okay.You can leave." Nazmeera shook her head as she grabbed her briefcase and running her hand through Hamza's head she walked out.Once she wa in the elevator she sighed leaning her head back.As much as lying to Hamza and Aamanah hurt she had to do this.Hamza deserved every moment he could get with his childrena and Aamanah during this stage.

Hamza heard one of the babies cry and hurriedly made his way to the room to prevent Aamanah from waking up.It was Umar who was crying and Hamza picked him up.

"Shhhh.Daddy's here Umar.Daddy's here." Umar's crying quitted down as soon as Hamza begun rocking him back and forward.A slight stench hit Hamza's nose and he crinkled it looking down at his son.

"Seems like someone made a job.Let's go get you changed." He walked out of the room and into the nursery where he laid Umar on the changing table.Hamza took a deep breath as he unbuttoned the onsie and closing his eyes he counted to three before opening the nappy.Hamza pulled Umar's legs up gently and took the napkin away,wiping his bum and placing anew napkin.He smiled proudly and in relief when he did not get peed on.He chuckled to himself as he thought about what had happened to Ihsaan while he had decided to play with Uthmaan while Nazmeera changed him,he peed on him.That was a moment when Hamza felt absolutely proud of his son.

Hamz a picked Umar up and went to sit in the rocking chair,hoping that Umar would fall asleep without any issues.He heard the cry of Uthmaan and he closed his eyes knowing that Aamanah would have to wake up now.A few seconds later he heard Uthmaan stop crying and a few minutes later Aamanah walked into the nursery.

"As salaam mu alaykum habibty." Hamza greeted Aamanah looking towards her and she greeted back.

"Wa alaykum mu salaam Habib.Where's Nazmeera?" Aamanah asked as she laid Uthmaan on the dressing table,casting Hamza a curious glance.Usually she slept until late but it was only 8 o'clock so she figured that Nazmeera was either asleep or gone somewhere.

"Nazmee is gone to work,apparently there's this important deal that she personally has to attend to." Aamanah nodded her head at his words.

"Oh okay.This came up before the aqeeqah or after?"

Hamza shrugged,"She never told me anything about it before,it probably came up after otherwise she wouldn't have joined us."

"You right." Aamanah picked Uthmaan up and walked to the second rocking chair,sitting down she glanced at her husband with a smile.

"How's daddy duty without Nazmeera?" Hamza smiled back at her.

"Okay not so bad.I think that in a way I probably needed this to bond with them properly."

Aamanah nodded as her fingers lightly caressed her son's face,"You right.I feel like Umar is more attached to Nazmeera then me.I probably needed this as much as you."

Hamza cast a curious glance at Aamanah,"Why do you say so?"

"He never quiets down by me as much as he quiets down by her and he seems to always want to be by her." Aamanah sighed throwing her head back,"But it's maybe also the possessive mother in me that thinks that Nazmeera gets way more time with both the children."

Hamza leaned his hand towards Aamanah's hand and held it,"If you talk to Nazmeera perhaps she'll understand and move a bit back if it's really getting to you."

Aamanah shook her head,"I don't want to hurt her feelings and make her think that she's taking my children away from me.I know her so I'm going to let it be and see if I can perhaps talk her into feeding Uthmaan more then she feeds Umar."

Hamza nodded even though he made a mental note to talk to Nazmeera about this,"Well then let's bath our babies and get them changed before I make you some fantastic breakfast." Aamanah nodded with a smile as Hamza stood up and passed her Umar.She held both her children closer to her and smiled down at them.

They were her world as was Hamza and Nazmeera and she'd never let go.
As Salaam Mu Alaykum Wa Rahmatulahi Wa Barakatu

Short chapter I know but I'm sick 😭😭😭 so I tried my best

Hope you guys liked it

Fi Amanillah

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