Chapter Seventeen

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Long before Nazmeera woke up,Hamza was up and already busy in the kitchen.Nazmeera's sleep had been very disturbed and unknowingly she had reached for Hamza.

Hamza could not get the image of her head in his chest,her arm over his waist and a leg draped across both of his.Like a kola,a small,cut little kola.

"Ouch!" In his state of daydreaming,his hand unconsciously touched the side of the pot and Hamza finally snapped out of it.

He knew soon Nazmeera would be awake and once she was awake he would have to cajole her with food,the one thing she loved more then anyone.

Hamza should have felt guilty for playing on her weakness but this guilt was rather changed into a sense of pride that he knew one thing that held an importance in Nazmeera's life.

Nazmeera groaned as she woke up from an incredible night of peaceful sleep.Her eyes fluttered open and when she smelt coffee she instantly looked besides her.

Nazmeera thought that relief would flood her when she saw that Hamza was not besides her but rather she was flood with sadness.There was something intense about waking up with someone besides you.No matter how much Nazmeera tried to deny it but she could not deny the fact that the past three weeks without Hamza was pure hell even if he was not to be with her for two out of those three weeks.Nazmeera always felt this sense of safety whenever he was nearby even if it was because he was in the next room.

Ya Allah what was she thinking!Nazmeera face palmed herself,"Fool." Shaking her head she got out of bed and headed to the bathroom where one look in the mirror has her smiling.She did not look like the ogre she thought she would,Nazmeera thought,she actually looked decent.

After finishing the morning routine and showering,Nazmeera wrapped a towel around the body and exited the room only to stop in her steps.

There standing in front of her was Hamza who had opened his mouth to say something but shut it close immediately once he saw her.Nazmeera felt the heat of his gaze as it travelled all over her body and she almost gasped at the way his eyes darkened.

From the once light blue to a dark,stormy blue Nazmeera swallowed nervously and Hamza spoke while continuing to assess her,"Breakfast is ready,once you done we'll leave to go shopping."

Hamza rushed out of the room closing the door behind him and he took in several deep breaths as he walked towards the kitchen.Wow,Nazmeera was one beautiful woman,her curves and all.Hamza could feel molten,hot desire flood through him and he clenched his fist closed.He needed to really calm down before Nazmeera came and saw him undone as he was.

When Hamza had finally calm down and he turned to look at Nazmeera as she walked in he was once again hit by the molten desire,flooding through his veins.Nazmeera dressed in a white top that was tucked into a floral skirt with a greenish scarf and he somehow knew that she was wearing heels because she looked a bit taller then usually.MashaAllah she looked very beautiful and Hamza knew he would have a hard time keeping his eyes off her.

Nazmeera had cleared her throat more then five times already but Hamza was too busy daydreaming at her so she finally snapped her fingers in front of his face,"Hamza!"

Hamza snapped out of it and Nazmeera watched as a light blush colored his ears,neck and face.She almost giggled at the sheepish look he threw her.

"Sit,I'll bring your breakfast." Nazmeera nodded and watched Hamza walk around the kitchen.He looked handsome in a white Polo t-shirt,blue jeans that sat perfectly on his toned legs and black dress shoes.He looked like every girls fantasy Prince Charming who belonged to her.

And to Aamanah.

Her consciousness was quick to remind her and Nazmeera reeled in her floating emotions.Her thoughts had run beyond that which she was ready to comprehend.She wondered what he thought of her,did he think of her as she thought of him or...

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