Chapter Twenty-Four

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Nazmeera walked aimlessly around the mall since she was bored and Hamza had to go attend an emergency meeting at the Malaysian branch of his business.

It was there third day in Malaysia and Nazmeera was hoping he would take her sightseeing,which had been the plan but then the issue cropped up.Now she aimlessly walked around trying to find something nice to buy for Aamanah when she spotted an amazing dress that she knew would look even greater on Aamanah.

As Nazmeera finished her purchase her phone rang and she pulled it out only to see the caller being Hamza.

"As salaam mu alaykum."

"Wa alaykum mu salaam.Where are you right now?"

"I'm in the mall by Barjaya."

She heard Hamza give instructions to the driver and then speak to her,"Come out to entrance one,we going sight seeing."

Nazmeera looked at the bag in her hand and frowned,"What about the shopping I did?"

"Bring it with.The company sent my driver with a company car so we can keep it inside while we sightseeing."

Nazmeera nodded then mentally face palmed herself,"Okay."

"Good.I'll be there in five minutes."

Nazmeera walked towards the entrance and waited,until a blue AMG Mercedes pulled up next to her.The window opened to reveal Hamza who smiled at her.

"As salaam mu alaykum."

"Wa alaykum mu salaam." Nazmeera replied once the driver came and opened her door for her to get in.Nazmeera sat down and put the shopping bags by her feet.

"How's everything by the office?"

Hamza smiled at the worry in her voice,"Everything's sorted out so I'm free from now."

Nazmeera smiled at him and then remembered something,"Hamza did you book for us to go to Penang via ferry?"

Hamza lost his smile and he pouted,"How did you find out?"

Nazmeera chuckled."You left the folder with details on our bed this morning and well you know how inquest I am.So I took a sneak peak."

Hamza poked her side,mock glaring at her when she squealed,"It's rude to go through other people's stuff."

Nazmeera smiled cheekily at him,"Unless its your husband then you have full rights."

Hamza poked her side again causing Nazmeera to put her hands protectively around herself,"Hey,no touchy touchy."

Hamza smiled back cheekily at her,"You my wife I have full rights to touch you."

Nazmeera turned her head in an attempt not to show him her smile,"Your big head."

Hamza smiled to himself and the driver pulled up outside the Twin Towers entrance.

"Hamza tell him to go away for now,we'll call him once we done."

Nazmeera said once they were out of the car and Hamza relayed the message to the driver in Malaysian,the driver left after nodding.

"Shall we?" Hamza asked putting his hand forward and Nazmeera smiled taking it.

"Yes." They walked in through the first building and Nazmeera was awed by the design of the building.

"It's so beautiful."

Hamza looked at Nazmeere and nodded,"Yeah very beautiful."

Nazmeera's eyes stopped on a chocolate shop and she tugged on Hamza's hand.

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