Why I haven't updated.

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Hey guys, I just wanted to post this to inform you on why I haven't updated anything in awhile, and I am sorry but my family does come first. 

The last few months have been hard for my family and myself. At the start of last month, my dad got hurt at work and end resulting in him having to have surgery. One small surgery turned into something so serious that my dad that we were preparing for the worse. I honestly thought I was going to lose my dad.

After my dad had surgery he started to get these crazy fevers, all in the hundreds, the more it started to happen my mom got worries and made him go to his regular doctor and not for worker comp. We have Kaiser through my mom's work, so they ran some test, blood work, and many other things. When the results came back Kaiser called and said my dad needed to come in right away.

My dad didn't even have to in the waiting room, hell, my mom didn't even know they put him in the room until she was waiting a while and my dad didn't come back to sit with him. So a little while after they have been in the room they doctor came in and explained what was happening.

My dad was put on sepsis alert. Sepsis is a life-threatening condition in which the body is fighting a severe infection that has spread via the bloodstream. And this isn't even the worst part.

They ran more test on my dad and it was like the whole world stopped. The infection went to his heart where the bacteria started to grow, the bacteria was so aggressive that it started to eat a whole through my dad's heart valve. The doctor's have never seen anything like this before and they have to call the infectious disease specialist to come take a look at it. After more test, the doctor said he was going to have to have heart surgery to remove the bacteria and his heart valve.

So they sent my dad to a different kaiser hospital that was three hours away from us. The heart doctor was a senior surgeon and a specialist in heart valve replacement. We got comfort in knowing my dad was in good hands.

Fast forward to now, my dad is finally at home but he still had a picc line in his arm. A Picc line is a thin, soft, long catheter (tube) that is inserted into a vein in your arm, leg or neck. The tip of the catheter is positioned in a large vein that carries blood into the heart.

But instead of putting blood in the line they are putting very strong anti-biotics so the infection doesn't go back to his heart and also so the anti-biotics can move fast through out his body and kill anything that might be in his body. Things are trying to go back to normal, but I don't see that happening any time soon. My dad will never be able to to work again because he has to be on blood thinners for the rest of his life because he had a mechanical heart valve that can easily form a blood clot. And my dad does construction work so you can imagine why he cannot go back in that kind of environment.

So please be patient with me, I am still trying to wrap my head around that fact that this happened and that I could have lost my dadㅡand my dad and I are super close, if I would have lost him, I would literally lose myself, I am me because of him.

My dad was healthy, FUCKING healthy. Even the doctors said it was crazy that this happened because he was so healthy. I guess you can call it a freak accident but I am so glad he is okay and is home, he is recovering slowly and that is good.

So again please bear with me and getting an update in.

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