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Chestnut portals whisk me away

into inky black cascades

that flow through my dreams.


Your parted light

overwhelms the dark

and pulsing colors are mine again.


My joy begins anew

when I bear witness of it

visiting your  hallowed depths.


No sour fallacies exist

within the essence

of your inspiring radiance.


No trove could I revere more

than the sparkling gems of self

harbored safely within your keep.


Neither blemish nor flaw

could taint such a delicate vision

that ever consumes them and me.


Your gaze stalls my breath

sending me whirling for direction

rendering me a grateful captive.


Your voice is my sweet reward

washing over me in soothing currents

until I'm addicted to drowning.


Your  touch feels like a Divine reprieve

 the fancy of chaste wonderings

 casting out desolate sorrows.


My beacon, pardon, light, and bliss

all this and more

you will ever be, an endless font.


Who am I to be so blessed?

Who am I to know such grace?

Who am I, but your splendor's minion?

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