Chapter 2 | what am I?

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It was an odd experience to say the least, dying and waking up to a funeral parlour that looked like it came out of a horror movie. You were still weak, for two weeks you had been slack as a dead person and had your blood stopped flowing at that time. You could barely stand by yourself, limiting you from going anywhere other than another room in the shop. This 'undertaker' was an interesting person to say the least, always laughing and not wanting money, it made you wonder how he even survived if he refused money and instead took laugher. He had a great fascination with the dead and with the whole situation of you coming back to life, it made him very interested in you. But you on the other hand wanted revenge, you wanted to find the person that drowned you and you wanted to drown them.

"What's with the serious look?"

You snapped out of your trance and looked over at the undertaker.

"Than man that killed me. I want to kill him the same way he killed me..." you said.

"Revenge? Sounds familiar..."

You didn't question that. You had already learned not to question this guy, maybe working with the dead for so long can make you a little crazy. You can totally see why too.

"You're an interesting specimen (y/n)" he giggled.

"You've said that a billion times"

"What exactly are you though? Alive or dead? Human or no longer human?" He said.

You thought about that... and well... you didn't know.

"I don't know anymore" you said.

You sighed and looked down at your weak legs as you sat on top of a coffin.

"Hey, cheer up. A frown doesn't suit you. We'll figure it out, you're stuck here anyway, we have plenty of time to figure out what happened and who killed you" he said, giving you a smile.

For someone you just met, he seemed really chill about this and was really nice, even if he was a little crazy. You felt a smile creep across your face at his words.

"See? Smiles suit you better"

Undead [Undertaker x Reader] • Kuroshitsuji Where stories live. Discover now