Chapter 9 | lets get out

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A/n: oof that fanart. But wait- where is the scar hmm?

"Let's get out of here"


"We need a holiday, lets go somewhere"

"Well... I don't have any clients for a while"

You wanted to get closer to him, you needed to get to know him and his secrets, and now that you have a speculation that he has feelings for you, you HAVE to get to the bottom of this case.

"Great! I already have plans! And dress nicely! Pack a bag too!"

You rushed upstairs before he could protest and grabbed your stuff. A bonnet, shoes a bag and whatnot. You went back downstairs to see he'd already packed and gotten into some more casual clothes for an 18th century man.

"Right let's go" you said.

"Where are we off too exactly?" He asked.

"Well it's a bit late to do much now, so we'll be a hotel room and tomorrow we can spend the day at the beach!"

Undertaker definitely wasn't an outside person, but he liked seeing you happy so he went along with your little plan. You'd both left the shop and flipped the sign to closed. You walked all the way to the hotel you had in mind, the longer it took the more time you had to talk.

Unfortunately the conversation was mainly just about random things rather than any juicy details about undertaker. Once you reached the hotel, you insisted on getting a room, you used the excuse that you wanted to be more independent. In reality you had a secret little plan. Get a room with one bed. They closer you were the more you'd be able to snoop. Once you'd got the room key, you wandered down the halls, watching the sun finish setting out the window.

"Oh yeah, they didn't have any double rooms left, hope you're ok with sharing a bed. I mean it's not like it hasn't happened before" you said.

"O-oh that's fine" he said.

Score! You got a stutter out of him, that means stuff like this catches him off guard, that's exactly what you wanted.

You came to your room and you flopped over the bed.

"So soft" you said, rolling around on the covers.

The room had one king sized bed, an ensuite, a dressing table and a great view of the ocean.

"Right so tomorrow we'll spend the day at the beach and the day after we'll spend relaxing, you've been working to hard you need a little vacation" you said.

"Sounds good, I haven't had a vacation in ages, death doesn't rest" he giggled.

"Well it's already pretty late, let's rest up for tomorrow"

"Alright, the blankets better be as soft as you say they are"

You giggled and grabbed your bag, going into the ensuite to change. You hated the amount of layers you had to wear just to go out, but oh well, it looked nice. You changed into an oversized nightshirt and walked back out to find undertaker in his nightwear trying to brush and tie back his hair.

"Give me the brush"

He handed you the brush and you began to de-tangle his long hair.

"You should really keep your hair up more often, then it'd be easier to brush you know" you said.

"I know, I can't be bothered to most of the time" he replied.

You pulled his hair back into a ponytail and tied it up, deliberately trying to pull back his fringe in the process.

"I know what you're doing, and no you can't tie back my fringe" he said.

How did he-

"Damnit" you replied.

He laughed and tuned to face you.

"There are some things you're better off  not knowing my dear, you've already seen too much" he said.

You rolled your eyes and crawled over the bed.

"Fine, now it's late we should go to bed" you said, blowing out the candle on the bedside table.

"You're right"

You pulled back the blankets and slipped under. You turned to face undertaker through the darkness.

"You know, I'll be with you for a long time. I'm sure opening up a little wouldn't hurt" you said.

There was a moment of silence.

"It would only cause you danger. I can't have you killed again" he said.

Killed? Danger? What was he? Some kind of wanted criminal?

"Can I at least know why?"

"It would give it away if I told you why, don't worry about it ok? By me keeping quiet I keep you safe ok?"

You smiled to yourself. Of course you wanted to know what he was hiding, but you were grateful he was trying to protect you. It was rather sweet, even if it was out if character for him.

"Alright, but I'll figure it out eventually" you giggled.

"Try as much as you want, I have my ways. Well, it's late, we should really go to sleep" he said.

"You're right-"

You decided to catch him off guard again. You wrapped your arms around him and snuggled into his shirt.



Undead [Undertaker x Reader] • Kuroshitsuji Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora