Chapter 27 | new faces

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The reaper reached out for his partner beside him, but only felt the bedsheets lazily tossed aside. He woke up and rubbed his eyes to see his partner was gone and most likely already up and roaming around the manor.

He got up and sleepily wandered down the halls, checking every room until he found the girl he was looking for in the earls office, the maid wrapping a fresh bandage around her arm.

He smiled at the sight of you getting along so well with Ciel.

"Oh good morning" you said, noticing his presence.

"Good morning" he said sleepily, walking over and sitting next to you, planting a kiss on your cheek.

"How's your wounds?" He added.

"Ok, they still hurt. But it's bearable to walk around and all that now"

"Mey-Rin, get Sebastian to bring up some tea" Ciel said.

The maid nodded and rushed off to get the butler.

"You seem dead" Ciel said, noticing how tired Adrian looked.

"I feel dead" he replied.

"You are dead, reaper" you added.

"Well I'm afraid you'll have to wake up a little. We have guests today"


"Lizzy, my fiancé"

"The squeaked blonde one that kept putting me in pink hats?" Adrian asked.

"That's the one. And (y/n), you might want to be careful if you don't want a makeover. When she sees there's a new girl she'll flip. Although if she sees your hurt she'll probably be easier on you"

As if completely on cue, a loud squeak was heard throughout the halls of the manor.


You couldn't help but giggle at the girls excitement. She bust through the doors and bounded over to Ciel, pulling him into a tight hug.

"I missed you so much! Oh you look so cute today!" She smiled.

"L-Lizzy, can't breathe-"

"Oh! Sorry!"

The blonde let go of Ciel and the boy managed to catch his breath.

"Lizzy, I'd like you to meet miss (y/n), she got into a bit of an accident and was badly hurt, she's staying here until she recovers" Ciel said.

"Oh that's terrible! I hope you heal soon. It's nice to meet you, I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me Lizzy!" She smiled, curtsying as she did.

"It's nice to meet you too" you replied.

You held out a hand for her to shake, she noticed the bandage wrapped around it and and was careful to take you hand gently.

"I hope when you're better we can play some games and get to know each other more" she said.

"That sounds fun, I think I'll be better soon"

"And I believe you two have already met" Ciel added, gesturing to Lizzy and Adrian.

"I remember you, you helped us out when we had to perform hamlet"

"That's me"

"You never told me that" you said.

"I had to wear a dress... I'd rather forget it..." he replied.

You laughed at the statement and rolled your eyes.

"Of course you did..."

"GEEZ! Why is everyone wearing black in this house! We need more colour! More pink!"

You tuned to see Lizzy with her hands on her hips, gesturing to Adrian's completely dark fashion.

"Uh oh..."

All at once Lizzy pulled out a pink ribbon and began to tie Adrian's hair up with it.

"This happens a lot... you're lucky you're already wearing colour today" Adrian said.

"I'm guessing this is normal"

"Yep, she's probably already dressed Finny up as a cat" Ciel replied.

You got up and stretched your arms out, being thankful that you ditched the dress cage today since you weren't going anywhere, and were still hurt from the incident.

"Where are you off too?" Adrian said.

"I saw something in the window behind Ciel"

Everyone turned to look at the window, only to find nothing there.

You walked over and opened it, sticking your head out and turning to look up at the roof.


Ciel and Adrian instantly knew who it was, but Lizzy was a little confused.

"Ugh! I was hoping Bassy would spot me!"

She jumped from the roof and sat on the windowsill.

"What are you doing here?" Ciel scoffed.

"I have a soul to reap nearby, but it's not for an hour so I thought I'd come and do a little spying"

"Of course" you laughed.

"Who is that? I have the strangest feeling I've seen them before" Lizzy said.

"Who Grell? You probably have seen her, she's always spying on Sebastian" you said.

"Hmm... that name sounds familiar. Maybe I have just seen you around"

"You're the one that dresses everyone up right?" Grell said.

"Yep! Hey, I can dress you up!"

Before Grell could even respond, she was pulled out of the room by Lizzy, off to be dressed into a sparkly ballgown probably. You heard Grell mutter something about red on the way out.

"Well that will keep them both occupied" Adrian said.

Sebastian walked back into the room with the requested tea.

"What in the hell is Grell doing here?"

"She was spying on you while she waits on a soul. But Lizzy got to her so she'll probably end up in a sparky gown" you explained.

"Of course... well I have your tea. I expect you'll want a nice lunch made for Lizzy and the guests master?"

"Yes, and make it quick I'm hungry. Also prepare a room for Lizzy, she'll be staying the night" Ciel said.

Soon after some conversation, you were all sitting would the table and waiting for Lizzy.


"Is the glitter really necessary?"

"Of course! Now come on we have lunch to eat!"

You watched as Lizzy rushed through the door and sat at the table.

"Ten bucks says she has an oversized bow on her head" you said.

"Ten says it's a bonnet" Adrian replied.


You watched at Grell walked in wearing a massive puffy red ballgown, that didn't look to bad on her, crazy high heels and a massive pink bow.

"Damnit" Adrian muttered, handing over the cash.

"I think this corset is done too tight, my organs will be squished out" Grell said in pain.

You couldn't help but laugh at the mess of glitter Grell has become.

"Quiet you" she said.

And with that Sebastian served up lunch, a fancy fish dish and cake in the side.

Now you just had to get through lunch conversation with the lively blonde, and hope glitter wasn't involved...

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