Chaprer 8 | work it

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You were cleaning up the kitchen while Undertaker was with a client. You still had no idea why you came back to life, you still had no progress on finding out all of Undertakers secrets, it was making you kind of gloomy. You were just sweeping the floors in silence and gloom. To lighten your gloomy mood you did what you always did when you were quiet for too long...make noise.

"I feel like our dreams really have a chance
That's right. Let's advance.
I don't want to have any more regrets; our future is waiting right ahead."

In heat of the moment, you dropped your broom and picked up a duster, using it as a microphone.

"Let's go! Do! I do! I live!
Yes, do! I do! I live!
Let's go, let's go! High!"

You jumped around like an idiot and danced like there was no tomorrow, thinking you were alone.

"Don't waste your time waiting on someone; just look forward with your head held high"

Upon hearing your singing from down the hall, Undertaker got up in search of the sound out of curiosity.

"Let's go right now, because if we do, we can go anywhere we'd like.
The sun is shining and guiding us to a bright new future for me and for you!
Come one, come all, bring all you'd like! Advance to tomorrow!"

He smiled and leaned against the door frame, watching you jump around instead of clean. The room was pretty much spotless anyway.

"Deep down inside my heart
I took it and ran ahead
Everyone, come with me
And make sure you know just what you're capable of!"

It was then you turned and noticed him watching you.

"Let's go! We're still living in this world... hi, Undertaker..."

You trailed off from your song, making him laugh.

"How long have you been there?" You said.

"Long enough" he replied.

"Don't you have customers?"

"They left a while ago"

Well this was awkward. You were definitely no singer, but it's fun to jump around like an idiot sometimes.

"Oh... hehe...oops?"

You didn't really know what to do, this was awkward.

"You seem energetic" he giggled.

"I like jumping around when I'm bored..." you said.

"I can see. That was a very encouraging song. Where'd you hear it?"

"I don't exactly know, but whenever I feel kind of gloomy it just comes to mind and reminds me of what I'm working for" you explained.

"And what are you working for?"

All of his secrets. At this point, you'd become very interested in what this man had to offer. It was starting to eat away at your brain, the thought of what this guy could be, what this guy do, who he really is.



"You, you've become interested in my life, I've become interested in yours" you said.

There was a moment of silence before he began to laugh quietly.

"Well maybe if you snoop enough you'll figure it out"

He left to go back and work, but that left you with more questions than answers.

Your biggest question, was why he acted to chill around you, and why he was so chill so fast. Was he just interested in you because you're proof of the dead coming back to life? Or was it more than that?

Were you just entertainment to him?

He was so crazy and kind of creepy around literally everyone but you. You were the only one that witnesses hem when he isn't laughing every two seconds. You were the only one he showed his true personality to.

It was that moment you gained bigger question.

"He couldn't..."

Did he have feelings for you?

Undead [Undertaker x Reader] • Kuroshitsuji Where stories live. Discover now