Chapter 33 | walking corpes

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You watched as people piled in to watch the dead come to life, after having to do the stupid phoenix pose that is. You could see Sebastian and Ciel, disguised as they waited to be let in.

"Oh what a lovely lady you are!"

You jumped at the voice behind you, it was a man with a wine glass and blonde hair.


"Yes you! You're exquisite, like a graceful humming bird!"

"O-oh... thank you?"

"Druit..." Adrian's voice said behind you.

"Ah, aren't you the funeral guy?" This Druit guy said.

Wait- isn't he the Viscount Druit? Was was he doing here.

"Yes, that's me. And I'll be taking this lady for a moment, excuse us"

Adrian pulled you away and into a corner.

"Geez what was with him?" You asked.

"He likes any little pretty thing in a skirt... stay away from him please"

Aww, Adrian was getting all defensive.

You didn't have the time too coo over it because the man known as Ryan Stoker had begun to speak, making everyone do that bloody phoenix. Adrian giggled at the stupid pose but you gently whacked his arm.

"Shhh, this is the big moment" you said.

A switch was pulled and electronic sparks began to fly, it jolted through the body of the girl and it all went quiet. But then, to your amazement, she sat up...

You didn't think it would work.

Her mother hugged her tightly crying in joy that her little girl was alive. But that soon turned into cries of pain as the girl bit down on her mother, just as a zombie would...

"Knew it, come on (y/n)" Adrian said, pulling you out of the room and down the halls.

"What just happened?!"

"These bodies no longer have a soul, they will go after people with a soul until their body rots away. You'll be ok, your existing soul is so weak it won't be detected since your dead, and I'm a shinigami, I don't have a soul" Adrian explained, opening a door and pulling you into the room.

You found yourself on a ledge in the storage area, where hundreds of coffins were moving, more corpses waiting to bust out.

"Knew it, a blast that powerful will wake them all up. Well at least we know what won't work if we want to bring the dead back to life the way you came back" he said.

You looked up at him, he had a smile on his face, a different smile to his usual one. One that said he was happy that progress had been made on his goal. There was a clang as the corpses started to break out.

"Can they die?" You asked.

"If you destroy their heads, yes" he replied.

"So... they're kind of like some bizarre doll, apart from the whole soul thing"

"Bizarre doll... I like that name..."

Did you just create the name of these things?

Before you could say anything, Adrian pulled on your arm and lead you down a few rows of stairs to get a closer look. You were still out of reach of the dolls, but it was still a little nerve wrecking.

"They won't kill me will they? I still have a soul, just a very broken and weak one" you asked.

"You'll be ok, they want a strong soul, one that's still alive"

Adrian squeezed your hand and smiled down at you, reassuring you'll be ok and the dolls won't go after you.

"I'm proud of you"


"You're one step closer to bringing back those old fiends of yours"

You leaned up to kiss him, but you were suddenly cut off by a massive crash that rocked the ship and sent you both flying into the floor, you landed with a thud as you saw all the lights turn red.

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