Chapter 36 | the green witch

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A/n: I'm having to use translate for the German. Sorry it's it's wrong. Also spoilers for the green witch arc.

Your train was about to pull up at your final stop. All night you have been trying to learn some basic German, Adrian surprisingly could speak it very fluently, and was helping out.

"Ok, so my name is (y/n)... is... uh, Ich heisse (y/n)" you said.

"Yes, and nice to meet you is..."

"Umm... schön dich, um- zu treffen"

"Correct. You're learning fast" Adrian said.

"Well, I have been up all night trying to learn it" you replied.

The train stopped, but you had to wait one more stop before you could get off.

"I'll do the majority of the talking, but you'll still need to know some basics. Repeat after me: Können wir die grüne Hexe sehen?"

"K-Können wir die... grüne H-hexe sehen?"

"Good. That means 'can we see the green witch' keep that one in mind"

"Got it, Können wir die grüne Hexe sehen?"

((From here on out, the German will be in italics))

"Now, when we get there, we'll be heading for a 'cursed' forest. It's really just filled with a toxic gas, so we'll wear masks until we get to the village at the centre. There's rumours of werewolves, but it's all just some hoax" Adrian explained.

"That's weird. How do you know all this anyway?" You asked.

"I'm a source for the underworld, what do you expect?"

"That's true. Anything else I should know?"

"The villagers are quite hostile until this witch tells them otherwise. Just be careful where you step and what you say. After this we'll be seeing an old friend of mine"

Adrian took a sip of water form the water bottle on the table, his fringe falling back slightly as he did. You could he sadness in his eyes... you felt so bad.

"I'm guessing this friend has some stuff you'll be needing off him" you said.

"Kind of. I just have to make an appearance. Once we're gone, Ciel and the rest won't be far behind"

That's right. Ciel had told you that after the whole Campania deal, he'd be investigating a school. That might lead him to Germany.


You both got up and grabbed your bags, wandering off the train and walking up to a bench nearby.

"It's going to get cold today, wrap up" Adrian said, pulling a jacket around you.

"Thanks" you replied, kissing his cheek.

You both took a moment to get ready for the long treat ahead, tying shoes and pulling on coats and whatnot. And then it was off to the 'cursed woods'.

The closer you got to it, the more the air began to smell like chemicals. That was the sign to out your masks on.

You clung to Adrian's arm as you walked through the thick woods. Scared of the sounds you kept hearing. Even if the whole werewolf thy God was a hoax, one could still jump scare you.

"What would happen if we didn't have masks?" You asked.

"For any normal person, they'd die. But there's a lead up of symptoms, your nose will bleed, your eyes will water, your skin will form a rash and you'll pass out, if you regain consciousness, you can be disoriented and have temporary amnesia" Adrian explained.

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