Chapter 19 | worry

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"London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down, my fair lady"

The song echoed throughout the shop as you sanded down a coffin lid with sandpaper in the back room.

He only sung that song for two reasons, to calm you down... or to calm himself down.

"London bridge is fa-"

You kept sanding the lid as you listened for what was going on out in the front room. You heard his footsteps come toward you 

"Is everything ok? You seem stressed?" You asked.

"Honey... don't panic, but there's been someone standing outside the shop for almost an hour now"

You tensed up at his words.

"They have a suit and cape... they're definitely not up to no good. If they try to come into the shop, hide and I'll try to see what's up with them" he said.

"Adrian wait- are you saying you think is my killer?"

"They've been trying to look into the back rooms for a while now... they're not here for me what's for sure" he said.

"Oh my god. They're after me! They want to kill me!" You began to panic.

"Hey calm down, if they want you that'll have to go through me-"

Suddenly you heard the front door open and close again.

"Shit- hide somewhere"

You jumped into a coffin without thinking and listened in as Adrian went into the front room to talk to this person.

"Is there a reason you've been spying on me for the past hour?"

No laughter or giggly acting... Adrian wasn't playing around.

"Have you heard if a girl called (y/n)?" The man has a deep voice, not a sexy one, and intimidating one.

"And if I know the name?"

"She's been missing for months now, if you have her we need her back"

"Missing huh? From where? The streets? As sad as it is, she doesn't have the family to go missing from"

He was right, although at this point you didn't really care, you were terrified as you hid in that coffin.

"She's a criminal, we have to convict her"

"She's done nothing of the sort"

"If you won't give her up willingly... we'll find a way to take her by force. Get her coffin ready... Mr. Crevan"

His name? How in the world did they know Undertakers name?

You heard the door close and Adrian lock it behind them. He rushed over to you and you jumped from your hiding place to his arms.

"Oh my god they want me dead! They want you dead!" You sobbed.

"Honey, I'm not letting them take you. You're staying with me tonight, you're staying inside, ok locking the doors and windows, they won't get to you I promise..."

Undead [Undertaker x Reader] • Kuroshitsuji Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon