Chapter 3 | boy and his butler

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"Undertaker! Show yourself!"

That sounded like a child's voice. You got curious... you pulled yourself off the coffin you were sitting on in the back room and used the furniture to lean on as your still weak legs carried you slowly to the front room.

"You know I don't work that way my lord, pay up" Undertaker laughed.

"Who's that?"

A boy with an eyepatch pointed to you making everyone look over at you.

"(Y/n) you know you shouldn't be walking around while your muscles are still weak"

Undertaker picked you up and placed you on a coffin.

"But if I don't walk around I won't build up strength" you said.

"Who is this?" The boy asked.

"This is (y/n), she was killed but somehow come back to life, rather interesting" Undertaker giggled.

You took a good look at the boy and what seemed to be his butler. His butler was a looker you'd admit that, but something seemed off. They were dressed very formally, they must be nobles.

"That is rather interesting, well (y/n) I am Ciel Phantomhive, and this is my butler Sebastian" the boy said.

"Nice to meet you" you smiled.

The two talked with undertaker about some case for a while before asking for information.

"Sebastian, you know what to do" Ciel said.

"Yes my lord, I would advise you two don't listen to these jokes..." he said.

Ciel walked over to you and helped you up, leading you out of the shop where you leaned against the wall.

"How long were you dead?" He asked.

"About two weeks, I've been awake again for almost a week now" you replied.

"It is odd, I've never heard of someone coming back to life and staying human"

Suddenly the shop erupted with laughter. Followed by Sebastian opening the door.

"I believe he'll tell us everything we need to know"

Sebastian was kind enough to carry you back in and place you on the coffin where you were before.

"Ok, ok. It's a long story so listen up. Most of the victims have either been deprived of water or drowned-"

You instantly began to pay attention.

"-this killer seems to have a fascination with water based deaths. It must be like a siren, they lure people in or take an unsuspecting persona and drowns them or keep them from water so they die of thirst. But recently they've been cutting out lungs for some odd reason. (Y/n) was one of these victims, the killer tried to drown her, but as you can see she's alive- well, undead. Something must have gone wrong during her death. Other than her all the victims have stayed dead"

"Interesting..." the butler said.

"Right, thank your for the information"
Ciel said, turning to leave.

"WAIT!" You said.

Everyone turned to look at you.

"When you find this guy... please.. LET ME END HIM"

"I'm not sure about that, but I can definitely inform you of his confinement" Ciel said.

"Thank you"

And with that they left the shop. The sound of undertaker laughing made you turn to him.

"Still wanting revenge I see?" He said.

"Of course" you replied.

He walked over to you and sat next to you on the coffin.

"I like your attitude"

He tilted his head as he looked over at you, making his fringe move slightly from his face, you managed to catch a glimpse of being almost glowing green eyes. That seemed mesmerising...

You tilted your head at him and reached out a hand to push away his bangs, only to be stopped by him.

"My eyes? They're green, that's all you need to know" he said.

You pulled your hand back and scanned him down.

This guy was a mystery, one you'd like to solve.

Undead [Undertaker x Reader] • Kuroshitsuji Where stories live. Discover now