Chapter 10 | an answer

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You sat in the sand as you brushed through Undertakers long hair again, after you both got topped over by waves while swimming, his hair got all tangled again, so you decided to brush it and tie it up again. Your little vacation was fun so far, you'd been swimming and running around at the beach. It bought out a more playful side of undertaker that you hadn't seen. You hadn't got any new information on him, but you were going to keep trying.

"You can trust me you know?" You said.

"Is this about me again?" He asked.

"I'm just saying-" you tired off the braids and he turned to face you.

"Why are you so eager?"

"I said before, you're interesting. And I've got this... feeling... that's making me want to know"

There was a pause, as you pondered in the thought he might have feelings for you.

"You're more than just interesting. You're a much cooler person than you give yourself credit for... I mean, you mange to live without accepting money as payment and have a successful business, by asking for laugher your making a happier atmosphere in an otherwise sad one, you're not scared of the dead, and those scars..."

You saw him tense up a little.


It was true, his scars made him look so much more dramatic. And each one tells a story, one you want to find out. For a moment you saw his cheeks go pink behind his bangs. You were really staring to get what made him tick.

"You're better than what you say you are, stop putting yourself down. I want to know these things because you're interesting, and because I want to know just how... legendary you really are" you finished.

It was silent for a moment, until it was broken by soft laugher.

"You flatter me (y/n), you know I'm trying to protect you, and yet you persist. You really wish to put yourself in danger like that, just for me?" He said.

"Yes, I have been since I was revived" you relied.

It was silent again, the sound of waves crashing in the background and the occasional seagull squawking can be heard.

"Ok... one thing" he said.

You jumped up and faced him, giving him your full attention with an exited look in your face.

"...I was once a legend in my field of previous work. But something got in the way so I decided to take another job involving death. That's why I'm here now"

Another field of work involving death?

So what was he previously? If you figured that out that could be another hint.

"And one more thing because I like your persistence-"

You turned back to look at him.

"I used to have the nerdiest glasses ever" he laughed.

"Glasses? No way" you laughed along with him.

"Yep, I stopped wearing after I left my previous job. I still can't see very well, but I've learned to use my other senses to make up for my horrible vision"

"Why don't you just wear your glasses again?"

"That would cause many problems my dear, its information you don't need to know"

Information you don't need to know?


You have to figure it out now.

Undead [Undertaker x Reader] • Kuroshitsuji Where stories live. Discover now