Chapter 37 | talks with sieglinde

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A/n: remember that italics are when someone is speaking German. Also Sieglinde magically knows English early for the sake of the story

You sat inside the castle and continued to cling to Adrian. The whole experience with the torture and all had made you a little scared of meeting new people.

"What exactly do you need? What is this information for?" The young witch asked.

"If you hold the antidote for one of the most lethal gasses in the world, we would be able to use it in experiments that could change the world as we know it, that's why we need the information" Adrian said.

Sieglinde thought for a moment, quite interested in how her 'magic' could change the world.

"Hmm... I'll think about it. But if I do give you this information, I want something in return"

Adrian laughed, finding it amusing that an 11 year old was already down for a bribe.

"And what would that be?" He asked.

Sieglinde pointed to you, making you slightly worried.

"I want to talk to her. I've never been outside this Forrest in my life, and I have questions for her, alone"

You couldn't make out that much of the German, making you worry a little more.

"You want to talk to her? Well... she can't speak fluent German in afraid"

"I could speak English if you prefer"

You and Adrian froze. She could speak English this whole time? Her accent was very thick, but you could still make things out.

"You speak English?" You asked.

"Yes, I learnt it from reading some books when I was little" she replied.

"Well, of it means we get the information, I guess I'll wait outside" Adrian said, getting up and walking to the door.

"Wait, what? Where are you going?"

"She wants to talk to you, I'll be outside"

And with that he closed the door behind him. Leaving you in the room alone with a supposed witch.

"Tell me (y/n), is the outside world... dangerous?" She asked.

"Not really, if you are of wealth or at least have a place to live, you'll be ok if you stay away from the dodgy parts of town" you replied.

"Is making friends easy?"

"Most people are quiet friendly, if you're not shy then making friends should be quite easy"

"Is finding love easy?"

What th- she's 11! Then again, she may have to me married off if she's of a certain noble level.

"Well, of you're a noble then marriages are usually arranged at birth to keep a noble bloodline, but if you're not noble then you have to go looking for your soulmate. Some people find them very easily and some take years to find them. It all depends on the person" you explained.

She thought for a moment.

"Ok. How do you attract a partner?"

"Well its mainly at balls, or party's that people try to show off. The ladies wear off the shoulder gowns with long gloves and of they're feeling scandalous they'll shorten their skirt to above their ankles and wear heels. At least that's what I've heard"

Sieglinde looked at you, who was completely covered up with a high necked gown and long skirt with boots and a bonnet.

"What about him? Is he your husband?" Sieglinde asked, referring to Adrian.

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