Chapter 26 | a dip into the past

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You sat on the edge of the Phantomhives manors roof. Now that you had no one to avoid you could go out alone again, you needed some recollection after what happened. You looked out over the garden and watched the sun rise. You were still in your nightgown, and still in bandages.

You felt glad you were safe, but also... empty. Because that experience made you realise...

Humans were truely disgusting creatures.

They'll pull others down just to get what they want, they'll lie without mercy, they trample over each other for sick reasons. You can be a nice person, but you'll never be a good person. You felt almost... ashamed of your own race. But you knew this was just life, and you have to get over it, and just continue on your way.

"What brings you up here?"

You turned to see Ciel behind you, still in his pyjamas.

"Just... thinking" you said.

"After an experience like that, you tend to do that"

He sat down beside you and looked out at the sunrise.

"I know firsthand..." he added.

"I guess we both know that empty feeling in you gut then?"

"...yeah, but even if our race is horrible, we have to push forward"

"Yeah... I guess just live your life to the fullest" you said.

It was silent for a moment before you turned to Ciel.

"Hey... Ciel?"


"Adrian seemed pretty close with your family... has it always been that way?" You asked.

"Yeah, ever since I was little"


"Daddy where are you going?"

"Mummy and I are going to see the queen, we'll be back tomorrow but don't worry we have a babysitter for you"

The little bluenette turned to see one of his fathers friends, a man with long sliver hair tied back in a ponytail, he had a trench coat and a fringe that needed to be cut.

"Ciel, this is one of my friends, he'll be watching you. Just call him Undertaker"

"Undertaker? Like a funeral man?"


"WOAH! Your friends have interesting jobs!"

The boy turned to the man known as Undertaker.

"Nice to meet you!" He said, with a smile on his face.

The man bent down to the bits height and smiled.

"It's a pleasure to meet you properly" he said, with a giggle in his voice.

"We trust you'll take care of him?"

"Of course"

"Alright, we'll be of then. Don't let him stay up too late"

And with that the Earl closed the door and left his son with his friend.

"I think we can stay up late, just this once. But don't tell your dad"

"We can play with the new toys dad made!"

The man tilted his head, revealing one glimmering eye, one that the child would soon forget.

"Sounds like fun"

Undead [Undertaker x Reader] • Kuroshitsuji Where stories live. Discover now