Chapter 28 | dinner with Lizzy

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You sat next to your boyfriend as you quietly ate dinner, staying out of the conversation as much as possible. You were never good with these kinds of social events.


You looked up at the sound of Lizzys squeaky voice.

"Are you a noble?" She asked.

"No, I just work in town with Adrian" you replied.

"I'm a funeral parlour? How do you both manage to stay so cheery when you're surrounded by death all the time?"

Well you were both dead. So you had some kind of peace with the whole concept of it.

"Well, we have each other I guess"

There was always the fact you were both very happy with each other.

"Aww that's so cute!"

You smiled at Adrian, who smiled back at you. You'd never gotten a compliment on your relationship before.

"Well if everyone is finished with the main course, desert shall be served shortly" Sebastian said, noticing the lack of eating and more talking happening at the table.

There was some talking here and there, mainly about random things that really didn't matter at all, but were still bought up out of boredom.

Grell had taken the giant bow Lizzy out in her hair off, it was not only ridiculous to look at but very annoying. Now that the bow was gone, she looked rather nice in that red ballgown Lizzy had dressed her up in.

"You should wear dresses more often, they suit you" you said.

Her face seemed to light up at the comment.

"Ah thank you darling!" She replied.

You heard Adrian laugh beside you.

"What?" You giggled.

"You always manage to make everyone happy" he said.

"Not always..." you said.

"Well you always make me happy"

"I ship it!" Grell jumped in.

"Ship?" Lizzy questioned.

"Yeah ship, not the boat kind... I heard it means you support two people as a couple"

Well, you'd definitely be using that term more often.

Sebastian came back and served desert, a delicious chocolate mud cake with whipped cream.

"I like the term ship, I want to ship people now! Can I ship myself with someone? I ship me and Ciel!" Lizzy said excitedly.

Ciel just laughed and rolled his eyes as he ate, obviously used to the behaviour of the cheery girl.

"And I ship you two, obviously!" She said, pointing to you and Adrian.

You just smiled at Adrian as he took your hand in his and held it tight, kissing you on the cheek at you did.

"I need to ship Sebastian with someone..."

Sebastian had a sudden look of terror on his face, as if he knew was was coming.

"How about... Grell!"

"Yes please" Grell said in a seductive tone as she shifted her gaze to Sebastian.

"Uhh... I think I'll pass... I'm just a butler I don't have the need nor time for love" he said.

"Nonsense! Everyone needs love" Lizzy said.

You enjoyed the rest of dinner as Lizzy, Grell and Sebastian had a passive argument about who should be shipped with who, and that everyone needed love. While you, Adrian and Ciel just watched and laughed.

At least you had gotten through dinner with no more glitter.

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