Chapter 21 | torture

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You woke up in a dark room, one that seemed to be massive, like a hall of some kind. You rubbed your eyes and felt a weight on your wrists. Your vision cleared, but not very well since it was dark in this room.

"What the?"

You managed to stand up but you could barley keep yourself up.

You felt someone tug on your wrists and ankles, you looked down to see you were shackled up.


You began to panic. Where were you? Were was Adrian? What's going on?

Suddenly a curtain was opened and the light came flooding in, blinding you momentarily. You heard creepy laughter echo throughout the hall. Your vision cleared again and you saw multiple cloaked figures around you. Only one had their hood down. And you instantly recognised the face.


You were cut off by being pushed underwater, you struggled to keep your head above it and took several deep breaths as you came up momentarily only to be pushed down again.

It was the same face you saw when you were being drowned. This man was your killer.

He had messy brown hair, and brown eyes. He held a whip, this made you feel all kind of uneasy.

"Well, well, if it isn't the girl who befriended death. No, more like fell for death"

Their voice was so deep it was scary. You wanted to wake up and find out this whole situation was a dream, but alas it wasn't.

"How are you alive?"

You didn't know what to do.


"I-I don't know!"

"You can't be alive, I drowned you with my own hands, I heard your heartbeat stop. You were just like all the unclean people that needed to die, you did die. HOW ARE YOU ALIVE!"


He began to walk toward you, but you scurried back, only to hit a wall.

"Well since you can't die. I suppose I'll just do the next best thing, torture you until you're so weak you can't even speak. You disgusting creature"

He raised his whip, you put your hands up in defence and yelled something you shouldn't have said.


There was a moment of silence.

"You're a criminal, you took from the rich for your own self gain. You're unclean"

That wasn't true. You had a very normal life for a peasant as a human, you worked to keep yourself alive. That was it. You don't ever recall stealing, except... there was one time you caught someone stealing from where you worked, so you stole the item back off them because your boss told you to. Buy that was once. And it wasn't your fault, you were forced into it.

"W-who even are you?"

"We cleanse the world, that's all you need to know you little rat!"

You suddenly felt the whip hit you across the arms, making you scream out in pain and hold your arms to your chest. He whipped you again, this time getting you across the face. You curled up into a ball in pain and felt the whip against your back multiple times. Tears began to fall down your cheeks with each scream in pain.

You wanted to wake up, I know it was all a dream.

You wanted to be saved.

You wanted Adrian.


You felt pain erupt with each lash of the whip, you could feel blood begin to drip down your arms and back, you felt the chains around your wrists and ankles chafe against your delicate skin. Never in your life have you felt so much pain. You wanted to disappear, you wanted to die again.

Suddenly the whipping stopped. You peaked from behind your arms to see a new cloaked figure with a knife at your ankles. Without time to react you felt the knife slide across your skin, your screamed at the top of your lungs in pain. You knew you couldn't get up or try and escape now, you were already to weak.

All you wanted was Adrian.

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