Chapter 20 | taken

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A few weeks had past since the last encounter with your killer. You'd been sleeping with Adrian every night so he could protect you and you'd both been extra careful.

Adrian woke up on a normal, boring morning at his desk, figuring he must have fallen asleep there that night because of work. His first thought was to check on you to see if you were awake yet. He tiredly wandered upstairs and toward your room he silently opened the door in case you were still asleep, bug his eyes didn't meet you, they met an empty bed. Thinking you'd gotten up and were in the kitchen getting breakfast he wandered down to the kitchen, only to find it empty.


By now he was getting a little concerned.

He checked his room, the bathroom, the hallways, the laundry, the shop downstairs, even the basement full of bodies that were yet to be put into coffins. Only to find no one.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n) where are you?"

You were gone. This instantly made him begin to panic. He double checked all the rooms, only to find no one. The only think hinting what must have happened was his pounding headache and a syringe at his desk that wasn't there before, as well as one by the bed where you slept. They must have drugged him first so he couldn't hear you scream if you made any noise and then drugged you as you slept. He rushed downstairs and picked up the phone, thinking to call the Phantomhives and see if you were there.

"Hello Phantomhive residence" Sebastian spoke through the phone.

"Is (y/n) there?"

"Undertaker? No she's not here why?"

"She's gone, she's not at home and she wasn't due to go anywhere today"

"So she's missing? We'll look into it and contact you if we find anything"

"Thank you"

After that panicked phone call his next thought was to call Grell, maybe she's picked you up for a girls day?

"Hello, Grell speaking"

"Is (y/n) with you?"

"Huh? No. why is she meant to be?"

"Damnit... uh no she's gone. I can't find her anywhere"


"I woke up and she wasn't in the house, the shop, anywhere!" He exclaimed.

"Darling calm down, I'll keep an eye out for her I'm about to head out anyway"

"Thank you"

He paced around the shop trying to think up where you could be. That's when it hit him, you did mention for the past few nights that you'd been hearing things outside. Once he'd connected the dots, he wanted to break down and cry.

Your killer had caught up to you. He had you, he's the only one that would have taken you in the middle of the night. Suddenly getting angry with himself for not being next to you last night to protect you, he marched back upstairs and onto his room where he pulled a set of wooden sticks with Japanese writing on them out. One of these being his hidden death scythe. It was now his mission to go out and find you and being you back. He was worried for you, but now filled with determination to get you back.

How dare someone take the girl his heart belonged to.

He hid the scythe and the rest of the sticks in his cloak and headed for the door. When he opened it he was met with one of his clients.

"Oh hello, I'm here about my friend" they said.

"U-uh I'm terribly sorry but I'm going to have to re-schedule" he said, slightly panicked.

"Oh, has something come up?"

"Yeah, its uh, my girlfriend she's gone missing and I'm going out to find her"

"That's horrible, we can definitely reschedule, I hope you find her"

The woman was a bit shocked to find out the 'creepy' mortician had a girlfriend, but she felt bad that he must have been so panicked so she understood completely.

"Thank you so much for understanding, I'm sorry, I have to go" he said, turning and running off down the street.

"I hope you find her!" The woman yelled.

He was filled with determination to find you. You had to safe, he wouldn't be able to live with himself of something bad had happened to you. But he did know where to start looking.

Undead [Undertaker x Reader] • Kuroshitsuji Where stories live. Discover now