Chapter 26

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Hazel's P.O.V. 

I was running, that much I knew. I felt the wind in my face but I wasn't sure where I was running too. I looked around the forest, trying to figure which direction would lead me home. My brain told me to run west, but there was something in my gut telling me to run north. I started running north, unsure of where I was running to or what I was running from. 

The thing that pissed me off was the fact that I was in another stupid blue short dress, I had not a single weapon on me, and I had lost my stupid flats long ago due to them being so uncomfortable while running. 

I growled in pure anger as my hair got caught in a stupid little tree branch. The branch snapped while my hair tie snapped and fell to the ground, my hair falling on my shoulders too. I continued running, mad that I now had nothing to hold my hair back due to my only hair tie breaking. 

As much as I wanted this to be a dream, it all felt too real at the same time to be a dream. I wasn't sure if this is what Dustin meant by having dreams that connected you to something in real life, but something about this scene didn't seem to be too happy. 

I came to a halt and almost fell off the cliff that was in front of me. If I needed to jump, I could but there would probably be something broken and I wasn't sure what waited in the waters below for me. 

I turned around to see a wolf come out from the trees. My heart slowly calmed down as I realized that it was only a wolf that was following me, why would I run if it was only one wolf? A pack of wolves following me without any weapons I could understand, but not a single wolf that was only chasing me. 

The wolf was about the size of an Alpha, and a really big Alpha at that. His coat was pure black, almost blending in with everything else around him. There didn't seem to be a single color of anything else on him other than his gray eyes that bore into mine. The weird thing with that is his eyes were not the color of his wolf, but were his human eyes. 

He slowly approached me, and I wasn't sure what he was going to do. It was actually hard to read his body language and the way he was walking towards me. All I had to do was lean back and I would fall off the cliff and into the water, that's how close I was to the edge. My left foot slowly went over the edge and the wolf sent me a warning growl. I narrowed my eyes, unsure of what this wolf wanted. 

He started backing up and sunk to the ground once my foot was back on the grass instead of dangling over the cliff. I bended my knees a little while the wolf growled, unsure of my tactic. The wolf quickly got up and growled at me while I charged at him and jumped over him. 

I tried to run, but I was suddenly yanked back by two arms. I wailed while throwing my legs around in the air because he wouldn't let me touch the ground. I threw my head into his face, and his hold on me loosened, but he didn't exactly let me go. As soon as my feet were able to touch the ground I leaned forward and threw the guy on the ground while trying to get out of his grip. 

The air was knocked out of him, but he still didn't let go of me. His one arm was wrapped around my waist while his other hand was holding his nose, trying to snap his nose back into place. I growled at the fact that this guy had an iron grip and wouldn't let me go. 

He rolled us both over once I heard his nose placed back where it's suppose to be. He was now on top of me and I quickly kneed him where it hurts, but that only resulted in him falling straight on me instead of the side of me like I was hoping. 

I let out an "oomp" sound as all of his weight was now displayed on me, and the guy seemed to be purely muscle, which resulted in him being a lot heavier. A hunter still has it's limits and mine could not lift this guy in the air without some sort of momentum to it. 

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