Chapter 29

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Hazel's P.O.V. 

I groaned from the throbbing pain in my head and the pain that was still present in my side. I opened my eyes and was met with darkness. My wrists were in cuffs that were connected to the wall, not even dangling, but just connected tightly to the wall. 

I felt pain in my side when I tried moving my legs. Looking down I could see dried blood on the side of the green dress that I was still wearing. I was confused why my wound wasn't healed up yet. My legs were also in cuffs that were against the wall. I groaned thinking how much my body is going to hurt when I finally get out of this. 

I tried thinking of a way out of this. I knew that the stupid Alpha took my ear piece, so I couldn't communicate to my family, and he took a majority of my weapons, but he must not have realized that I had small weapons on me too. I almost wanted to laugh at the fact that this alpha put me in a witches cell, which explained why I couldn't move my hands or feet so I couldn't perform any 'spells'. 

I didn't feel any of my guns on me which made me want to scream because I know they took my bow and arrows along with my wristlet and my belt. I could feel more of the little silver balls on my hip, but I had to be careful not to hit them too hard or drop one. I wasn't sure how I would even use it on them since it would only release cold air unless used with water, but looking around the cold cell there doesn't even seem to be any water around. 

There wasn't even any windows to tell me what time it was outside or how long I had even been here. This was at least a little better than being stuck with vampires that only wanted my blood for who knows what, I still couldn't even figure out what was so special about my families blood, but it seemed that a lot of mythical creatures wanted my blood or to use my family for a bad purpose. 

I wasn't even sure what werewolves could do with us. I remember the wolves asking Canow where the Coupes and Chases' were, but if this alpha put me in a witches cell then he still doesn't know that I'm really a hunter and not a witch. 

I really felt like laughing at the situation because one of the hunters a mythical creature has and doesn't even know it. I knew that I was on another alpha's territory since this wasn't Malcom's, but did he even know that this alpha had me?

My head shot up when I finally heard the doors open. I wasn't sure who would be on the other side, but I was surprised to see little Dana and another little girl, I think her name was Lesia, coming through the door. They shut the door all the way and I couldn't understand how two little girls were able to get in here, was patrol really that bad here? Yet when they opened the door I noticed that not a single ounce of sunlight came into the cells, meaning it was nighttime. 

"Mommy," Dana cried while pressing her face to the cells, her green eyes becoming glassy. Dana's blonde hair friend walked up behind her and started rubbing her back. 

"Hi," she shyly waved to me, which only confused me even more. I sent her a small smile while Dana tried reaching her arm into the cell even though she was too far away to really touch me. 

"What's your name sweetie?" I asked while Dana started tearing up more. Dana ran off while her friend stayed rooted in her spot. I didn't understand why Dana kept calling me her mother, I never had a child and I don't have an ounce of werewolf blood in me and I have never been with anyone, hunting made it impossible to trust people outside and actually form a relationship. 

"Lesia," the girl whispered while sucking her finger. It amazed me how two three year old girls were able to get into the cells without anyone following or helping them, which makes me think that someone had to really help them, but who?

"That's a pretty name," I commented. She smiled before giggling a little at me. My heart tugged at the little girls laughter, not understanding where it came from. I might be a hunter, but I could never put myself to harm a child, no matter how cold blooded I may be. 

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