Chapter 11

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Hazel's P.O.V.

"Come on, let's go hunting," I smirked towards my brothers. I wasn't going to really go hunting. I wanted to look for that place I saw in my dream.

"Are you sure you're alright? That wasn't normal for you Hazel," Paxton questioned, wanting to make sure that I was really ok.

"Yes Paxton I'm pretty sure, now let's go kill some critters," I replied.

"She's back," Miles laughed out. It felt good to be around them even though I was still getting over the fact they weren't my real brothers. I wonder what my older brother and sister look like.

I raced out of the house and into our backyard. Our backyard led straight into the forest, and I was hoping to have an interesting hunt tonight while looking for that lake every now and then.

Miles wouldn't stop laughing the whole time we were in the forest while Paxton kept hitting him for something stupid before Miles hit him back. I swear sometimes they acted like little kids.

"You do know when hunting you're suppose to be quiet," I informed my idiot brothers. Rolling my eyes at them I continued to walk in the forest. 

"Hazel, remember we have company at midnight!" my aunt yelled. I was confused before I remembered that tonight I would meet my real parents and other siblings.

I waved my hand as my back turned towards the house. My cousins didn't say a word as we continued deeper into the forest. Looking up towards the full moon I tried to imagine where the moon was placed in the sky in the dream, or whatever that was.

I quickly changed my direction, and walked further and further away from the house. Listening to everything I mainly tried to listen to the sound of water even though my brothers would kill me if I ran into that Kelpie again.

"Hazel, where are we?" Paxton asked. If Paxton doesn't even know where we are then I must be on the right track. Paxton practically has this whole forest mapped out in his head.

"Sh, we've got to be quiet if we want to find any creatures," I whispered to my loving cousins. I wasn't going to tell them why I was really here.

I gave my cousins the signal to split up as soon as I heard the swishing of water. As soon as my cousins were out of sight, I sneakily made my way closer to the sound of water.

"Shit," I mumbled as I stopped. An arrow stopped right in front of me and hit the tree that I was just about to pass. Quickly ducking behind the tree I tried to stay out of aim from whoever was trying to shoot at me.

I heard movement to my left, unsure of who was shooting at me I readied my gun. There was no sound for a second, just the sound of leaves blowing in the wind.

"Oh shit!" a voice yelled as I bent backwards and placed my hands on the tree. Looking up I saw Gabby with her sword stuck in the tree. I pushed myself off the tree and turned my body towards Gabby.

She put her one foot on the tree and tried pulling her sword out. That's the problem with swords, they easily get stuck. There's problems with all the weapons, such as arrows, you easily run out of them.

"What are you doing all the way out here Hazel?" Gabby asked me as soon as her sword was out of the tree. She placed her sword back in the scabbard. Some people are old school with weapons while others like the newer weapons. The same thing goes with training and it depends on what the person can do and what they can't.

"Never been in this part of the forest. Thought I would see if there's any good hunting over here," I explained to Gabby.

Gabby looked at her watch, I guess not really wanting to talk to me. I could never really see me and Gabby as friends though. I just never thought it would work out.

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