Chapter 12

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Hazel's P.O.V.

Looking down at myself, I was wearing a short black dress. The dress was kind of nice, but I wasn't much of a girl that wore dresses a lot.

I had no shoes on and felt a pull towards somewhere. I closed my eyes before I appeared in a room. There was a little girl sleeping in a bed. The kid was tiny, but I didn't know who she was.

I turned around to leave when I felt something pull on my dress. Turning around quickly, the little girl took a few steps back while her heart was pounding fast.

The girl was in cute little pajamas while her long platinum blond hair was a mess around her face. There was something different about this girl, but I didn't know who she was. I've never seen this girl in my whole life.

I looked straight into her eyes while the girl sucked on her fingers. She slowly took her fingers out of her mouth before a smile graced her face.

I almost jumped back when the girl hugged me out of no where. She was clutching onto my leg tightly while I tried to pulled down the dress. It was short enough already.

"Hunter," the little girl giggled. My eyes widened in complete shock. No human in the world knows about hunters, meaning that this girl must be a mythical creature.

"I think you should go back to bed," I informed the girl, not really comfortable with being with another mythical creature compared to what happened last time.

"Moonlight," the girl giggled. Something didn't feel right staying in this room. I felt like I was being watched.

I placed my hands behind her back and pushed her towards her bed. I lifted her up from her armpits and placed her back in her bed. I don't know why but I just had this feeling in my gut that something was going to happen.

I heard the door knob turn and the next thing I know is someone is screaming.


Jumping up from the bed I realized that I'm still in my hunting clothes. I whiped the sweat off of my forehead as my senses returned back to normal.

The screaming was real, and someone was screaming in this house.

Jumping out of bed I follow the screaming voice leading to one of the guests rooms. I reached for the knob right as I felt my body collide with two others. I had fallen on someone before I lost all the air in my lungs for a good second.

"Miles, get off me," I wheezed out. I started coughing after Miles got off me. I rolled onto the ground while Paxton got up from the ground. The screaming stopped some time while I was struggling for air.

"What happened?" I heard my uncle ask. Looking into the room I saw my real mother and father in the room. My mother was in the bed crying while my father was right next to her, trying to comfort her.

My real siblings came next as we all piled into the room. My father pushed everyone out of the room while my mother tried to control her breathing.

"Mom had another nightmare," I heard Lola say. I learned that my older sisters name is Lola and my older brothers name is Dustin.

They walked down the hallway while I stayed near the door. Paxton and Miles stayed with me while I placed my ear on the door.

"Calm down Dabria, what happened?" I heard my father whisper. It's a good think hunters have semi better hearing.

"He was back, the vampire king was back and he was after Lola. I tried to block him from my mind about Hazel but I couldn't. He knows that we have a second daughter, he just doesn't know what she looks like or where she is," I heard my mother explain.

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