Chapter 32

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Becca's P.O.V. 

I knocked on his door, knowing that I would only piss him off more if I just barged right in. I heard him say come in before entering. I wasn't surprised to see that Sirena was here, but she seemed to be mad at my brother. 

"Yes?" I questioned while crossing my arms. I'm a fifteen year old girl that's allowed to give her brother sass once in a while. He growled at me for my disrespect and I quickly uncrossed my arms and took a seat. 

"I will not be keeping a hunter in my pack," my brother stated, not even leaving room for argument. I narrowed my eyes, unsure of why I had such a change of heart for Hazel even though I left her in the cell, but I knew that I left the door unlocked for her, letting her decide her fate and at the same time having no idea that we would be under attack. 

"She'll leave as soon as she's healed," I stated, standing up to my brother for once in my life. I also wasn't sure if I wanted to bring our parents into this conversation. My parents live in their own house, but I knew my brother was the same as my father and would quickly throw Hazel out in order to protect the pack. 

My brother was about to answer until there was a knock at the door. I wanted to groan as our parents came strolling into the room. Sirena stormed out of the room while my parents threw my brother a questioning look which only made him groan in return. 

"Do you have any ideas why the rouges attacked?" my father questioned. My brother ran his fingers through his hair while shaking his head no while my mother seemed extremely worried. 

"They wanted to get me away from the pack and kidnap or kill me," I stated, remembering what Hazel had said when she had saved me. All eyes seemed to be on me and my mother soon engulfed me in a hug. 

"How do you know that?" my brother questioned while narrowing his eyes at me, waiting for me to bring up Hazel so he could tell my father and get her far away from the pack. 

"The rouges managed to get me far away from the pack house and close enough to the forest," I said, trying not to bring up the fact that Hazel was involved in it. 

"How did you escape?" my father questioned me. My brother sent me a smirk while I glared back at him, knowing that this gesture didn't go unnoticed by my parents. 

"Someone saved me," I stated and then my brother continued by saying, "A hunter". My father growled while quickly taking my mother in his arms, wanting to protect her from any threat that could harm her. 

"What do you mean a hunter saved you?" my father questioned. 

"Exactly what you said, a hunter saved me from being killed even when she had the chance to escape," I said before biting my tongue, not wanting my brother to know I was trying to let her escape. He growled before yelling what and pinning me to the wall. I noticed that his wolf took control and I quickly bowed my head to him, knowing better than to disrespect my brothers wolf. My father quickly pulled my brother off of me while my own anger started to boil for some unknown reason. 

"What did you do Becca?" my father questioned while trying to calm my brother down which didn't seem to be working at all. 

"She was pinned to the wall as if she was a witch, and when I left the cells, I left her door unlocked and open. She had the chance to escape and instead of running she managed to kill multiple rouges and save my life!" by the end of my rant I was yelling while my brother was trying to control his anger. My father and mother were speechless, not knowing what to say. 

My brother was about to say something until we heard a little girl scream, more specifically, Dana. I was the first one up and running towards my room while everyone else was following me. I opened my door and was surprised to see Hazel making fart noises on Dana's stomach while Lesia tried running away from Hazel. 

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