Chapter 8

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Hazel's P.O.V.

My stomach was full after I had finished my pear and banana. The rain didn't seem to be going away anytime soon so I reached behind my head and pulled out my hair tie.

I had no idea where I was but honestly I didn't care that I was lost. Looking around I couldn't really believe that I was never in this part of the forest.

The thundering of paws could be heard from the side of me. I quickly jumped in a tree, hearing more than one wolf as my heart beated faster than ever.

A little dog flew out from between two trees. There were spots of red, dark brown, and white spots on the dog. Three wolves slowly came out from between the trees while growling and studying the little wolf.

The wolf struggled to stand up as two of the bigger wolves surrounded the pup. The leader of the wolves growled the loudest at the little pup that looked ready to die.

I stayed crouching down on the tree banch. None of the wolves smelled me thanks to the hard rain that was still falling.

The little wolf whinned in pain and fell back to the ground after trying to get back on it's paws. One of its front paws looked broken by the way it was bent and was covered in blood.

As it fell the wolfs' fur turned a dark brown color, meaning it was a small white wolf. The wolf whinned as the much larger wolves got closer to it.

One of the wolves snapped at the smaller wolf. I geared up and set up my wrist bow before shooting at the big wolf that had snapped at the little one. I made sure to hit the wolf with a special venom that's injected into the wolf that makes their death more painful and prolonged.

The wolf I hit cried in pain as it fell to the ground. The other two wolves looked around the forest, unsure of where the mini arrow came from. The tiny wolf looked towards my direction, but there was no way that tiny wolf could see me in the dark.

I pulled my gun from my black combat boots. I aimed my gun towards another wolf and shot that one straight in the head. The leader was still standing and growling like crazy, unsure of who else was in the forest.

I aimed my gun at the leader wolf before shooting, only to find that I was out of bullets. I placed my empty gun back into my boots before looking up to see that I had the attention of the larger wolf.

It growled at me while the pup looked at me, curious to what I was going to do. I jumped down from the branch I was on.

"Alright mutt, let's do this the hard way," I smirked at it. The wolf growled when I called it a mutt. Wolves hate it when they're called mutt, dog, or pup.

It charged at me and I could already tell by it's body language that it was planning to jump on me. I crouched down low enough while the large wolf flew over me, just missing me by an inch as I felt the wind from the wolf's strike blow against my hair.

I quickly turned around right as the wolf jumped on me, bringing me onto my back. I could hear the little pup whinning but I wasn't sure why. I didn't bother to look as some of the wolf's slober fell onto my face.

I punched him under his mouth so I wouldn't get cut by it's teeth. Before it could turn it's head and strike I got my feet under its stomach and quickly kicked it off me. It didn't fly as high in the air as I wanted it to and I knew that I would have to work more on my leg muscles next time I train.

The wolf rolled in the mud until its back landed against a tree. It's back leg seemed to be injured as it's bloody red eyes stared me in the eyes.

I was about to pounce on it when millions of howls filled the sky. I looked away from the big wolf when the tiny wolf howled back in responce. Turning my head back to the big wolf only to find it gone.

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