Chapter 28

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Hazel's P.O.V. 

"Dana, why did you run away?" I questioned her while picking her up and running. My side was starting to heal and it finally stopped bleeding, but wolves would be able to smell the dry blood on me. 

Dana just whimpered while clutching her arms around my neck, knocking my hood down. I looked back, realizing that maybe she ran back because her Alpha was in town and she could feel his presence. 

"AH," Dana screamed. I turned around and had the breath knocked out of me as a black wolf collided with me, knocking Dana out of my arms. I coughed while getting up and looking around for Dana. She was crying and curling in a ball while the giant black wolf started sniffing her. He tried nudging her with his nose, but that only made her cry more. 

"Leave her alone!" I yelled while directing his attention towards me. He growled at me while standing in front of Dana protectively. I blinked and thought for a second about the situation. If this was Dana's Alpha than why am I defending her and not letting her go back with her Alpha. Maybe the Alpha was abusive towards her and that's why she seems to be afraid of him. 

"What are you? Some sort of witch!" the guy yelled after he turned into his human form, fully naked, but it wasn't the first time I had seen someone naked. I narrowed my eyes at him, unsure of what he was trying to say. 

"You brought this little girl back from the dead?" the guy growled out at me. I was taken back, unsure of how I would even be able to do that when I'm not even a witch in the first place. 

"If you're her Alpha, then my business is done," I said while turning to walk away. I heard him growl, but I chose to ignore it. 

"You're not going anywhere girl. You pose a threat to packs, and Nightfall Edge eliminates any threats to its pack," the Alpha explained. I heard the sound of bones breaking while I quickly jumped into the trees, landing safely on a tree branch while the Alpha knocked his head right on a tree stump. I placed my hood back over my head, letting only my mouth show as a smirk formed on it. The Alpha growled, knowing that I was taking pleasure in the pain he was receiving. 

Alpha Steele's P.O.V. 

My wolf could not believe it. Dana was alive and somehow laying on the forest floor right in front of us. I had to knock that girl down and get her away from Dana, it was my protective nature that came into control. 

I growled as the only thing I could see was the girl smirking at me. I howled for my pack warriors to come and help me. There were hunters spotted, especially since that other hunter escaped, and Malcom's pack was taking care of the hunters. 

I wasn't sure what this girl was though. She had to be some sort of witch, Dana was murdered by vampires and only a witch preforming a spell could bring her back to life, but witches were also evil on the inside and once they were filled with dark magic, there was no turning back. There were very few witches in the world that were good, but they went into hiding a long time ago because hunters almost made them extinct. 

I informed one of the warriors to grab Dana and bring her home while everyone else followed after the girl in the trees. She was definitely skilled, I could tell that when I was trying to knock her out and she kept trying to escape me, but not this time. 

I couldn't explain why my wolf chased her in the dream. Instead of her wearing a blue dress though, she was in a short green dress with black leggings. Right now my wolf wanted to just capture her and torture her for information. She kept doing zigzags, trying to throw us off her trail so she could escape. 

"Ah!" the girl screamed while falling out of one of the trees. She smacked into a few branches before falling onto the ground and groaning from pain. Her hood covered her head and I walked up to her carefully, unsure of whether she was conscious or not. 

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