Chapter 7

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Hazel's P.O.V.

Paxton jumped like a scared kitten while papers fell everywhere. I had come downstairs after my nap and noticed that dad's door was cracked open a little.

I had a feeling in my gut that it wasn't my father in his office, and I was correct, but surprised to find Paxton snooping through our father's stuff. Paxton isn't the one to really sneak around, that's more of Miles job though.

"Gosh Hazel, I though you were dad for a second," Paxton quickly tried to pick up all the pieces of paper he dropped. I started helping him but froze as I looked at the first one I picked up.

It seemed to be some kind of letter, and at the bottom it was signed Mr. Coupe. I was frozen in my spot while Paxton was still picking up papers as if his life depended on it.

I started reading the paper.

Dear brother,

I'm sorry to do this to you but desperate times calls for desperate measures-

"Are you helping or not?" Paxton questioned. I looked away at the letter while it was suddenly taken from my hands.

"Our father is brothers with some Mr. Coupe? They're last names aren't even the same, our last name is Chase," Paxton stated. I took the paper out of his hands angrily right as we heard the front door open.

I knew it wasn't Miles because he was still trapped in one of those necklace bottles I usually trap ghost and demons in.

We both froze and looked at each other before freaking out and cleaning up the papers at the best to our abilities.

We ducked under out fathers desk as we heard footsteps walk past the door. I breathed a sigh of relief and waited for the footsteps to leave the floor. We couldn't get away if there were still footsteps on this floor unless we wanted to be busted.

I pushed my brother out from under the desk and quickly out the door as I heard the back door close. I ran in front of Paxton and made sure the coast was clear.

"Sneaking around are we?" I jumped into Paxton as my heart started racing at the speed of lightning.

Paxton pushed me out of the room when he realized we weren't busted just yet.

"Shit Miles, how many times do I have to teach you a lesson about sneaking up on me?" I questioned my idiot brother that just gave me a near heart attack. I didn't even want to know how he was able to escape before I let him out of that tiny bottle I had put him in for the past two hours or so.

"Quickly, dad's coming and mom let me out upstairs," Miles ushered us out of the room and he quickly took us downstairs into the basement. We then heard footsteps coming down the steps and I ran over to one of the hunting equipment and made it look like I wasn't just in my father's office.

Paxton did the same thing while Miles slowly joined in right as the basement door was open. Our mother stood at the top of it and smiled at us before closing the door.

"That was close," Paxton stated. I let a deep breath go before relaxing my muscles and trying to calm down my heart.

"What were you two doing in dad's office? We all know it's forbidden to go in there and that I wouldn't even be caught dead in there," Miles explained. I rubbed my aching head, so confused on what I had started to read in that letter before Paxton took it from me.

"I found Paxton in there, remember how I said I saw a guy with a mermaid mate right before the dinoshark showed up?" I asked my brothers. They shook their heads up and down as a responce.

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