Chapter 27

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Hazel's P.O.V. 

Canow took his mask off while he tugged my hood off. I glared at him, not really wanting the hood to be off because I liked hiding my face, but we had to act normal. Both of us had sprayed a large amount of perfume on us to mask our original forest scents. 

I had yet to spot Malcom, not like I wanted to run into him after what had happened with him almost catching my family and me, but I did notice that Malcom increased security around the school and in the school. There was a lot more wolves than what is normally here, and a majority of them were outside or hiding a mask in the school. 

Luckily, none of them have said a word to me, but I could feel them staring at Canow and me. I can only imagine that Malcom might be suspicious after the incident. My uncle and father were staying closer to the doors while my cousins were sweet talking some poor girls that had no clue what they were really doing here. As for Dustin and Lola, they both had masks on since they didn't go to the school, but no one seemed to bother them. 

My family was able to sneak into the dance from one of the back doors right before the wolves started patrolling around the school. To say that they made it just in time was a miracle or else they would have been caught and questioned before the dance even started. 

I was hoping that nothing happened to Dana back home. I was worried about the little three year old only because something was after her and she couldn't defend herself. I knew that my mom would watch after her, but I still had my doubts with her. I knew the reason she had to separate and hide her children, but it still shouldn't have taken her seventeen years to come back and get all of us. I knew that Dana would be in good hands with my aunt since she practically raised me since I was a baby. 

"Hey Charlotte," I heard Malcom say while wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I wanted to glare at him, but instead gave him a weak smile while taking his arm off my shoulder. I didn't see Canow around and was suddenly curious with where my friend went. 

"Hello Malcom," I replied back in a soft whisper. I really didn't need to draw attention to myself and I didn't want to, but that might be harder with Malcom standing in front of me talking. 

"No date tonight?" he suddenly questioned me. I was surprised and curious with why he didn't seem to want to talk to someone else. 

"I was with Maverick, but he must have went to the bathroom or something," I said, unsure of where Maverick really went. It was hard to find where the black ninja boy went since the room was darker and all the dark colors blended in. 

"Are you and Maverick dating?" Malcom questioned me. 

"No, we've been friends since we were little," I replied back while walking over towards the table with snacks. 

"More wolves just arrived," my father said into the earpiece. Malcom turned his head, looking as if someone had called him while I looked at him from the corner of my eye. I knew that he was really trying to find the source of the static sound he had heard and I tried to keep the smirk off my face. 

My family was very careful when they designed the earpieces and unless you were wearing one, all you heard was an annoying static sound anytime anyone talked through it. We were also careful not to talk a lot in the earpiece so that none of the wolves would find the source that annoyed their ears. 

I was curious as to why there was even more wolves. Malcom already had a majority of his pack watching the school and roaming in the forest. Malcom must be really worried about the hunters being in his area, but I'm worried about the wolves I'm around right now. As long as they attack first, I won't bother with them. 

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