Chapter 43

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Hazel's P.O.V. 

I was in a blood red dress, unsure of where I really was and not understanding why my body felt so weird and foreign to me. 

"Don't worry my dear, I'm already searching for you," a voice said behind me while my body stiffened. I had heard that voice before, it was the vampire I had seen in the dream that was torturing my mother. 

I went to quickly turn around and swing at the vampire before I suddenly jolted awake. I looked down at myself and was confused to see myself in a black dress even though I had just imagined myself in a red dress. 

I felt my body temperature rising and immediately threw the covers off me only to feel nauseous and start throwing up. I heard a door open and some curse words before I felt a hand on my back. 

Once I finally stopped I wiped my lip, only to see blood cover my pale arm. I turned around to look at who was behind me and immediately Paxton jumps back from me. 

I jumped up and hugged him tightly, not sure why I was suddenly feeling so emotional. Hunters have felt far greater stress than everything that I am going through. 

"Where are we?" I questioned, unsure of where this room outside lead to. 

"Safe, Miles remembered the emergency hunter bunkers. No one will be able to find us and we had to take a look at you," Paxton said while hugging me back and stroking my hair. 

"Take a look at me? Where were you guys?" I questioned, confused what had happened. I groaned and held my head as I felt another wave of nauseous hit me, but I was able to keep this one down luckily. I finally noticed how much paler I was compared to Paxton, and he was covered in bruises and deep looking cuts. 

"We were kidnapped and tortured by vampires," Miles said while entering the room and then scrunching his nose due to the smell of my throw up on the floor. My eyes widened when I saw the condition that he was in, he was more bruised up and his clothes had cuts and holes in it more than Paxton. 

"What do you remember last?" Paxton asked while looking at me. I scrunched my eyebrows, trying to figure out the last thing I was doing before I fell asleep. 

"I-I, I was fighting vampires while trying to track you two down," I said as soon as everything came back to my memory. As soon as the memory came back I felt nauseous and threw up blood again right next to Paxton. 

"That's not good," Miles said before leaving the room. My head started spinning while Paxton managed to hold me up. 

"What happened?" I groaned while holding onto my aching head. Miles came back into the room and started cleaning up both piles while Paxton lifted me up and placed me on the bed. 

"King Vladimir put a force mark on you, we stopped him from completing it, but the mark is still taking affect since your body is trying to get rid of all the blood in your body," Paxton said while looking at me with worried eyes. My own eyes widened, remembering that Gabby had told me about the forced mark by the deamon. 

"Why are they force marking me?" I questioned, more so to myself than to Paxton or Miles. Both stopped what they were doing and looked at me. 

"What do you mean they?" Paxton said while holding me lightly by the arms. 

"A deamon put a forced marked on my back," I stated, unsure of what all this forced marking really meant. I never heard of mythical creatures force marking a hunter before, but I wasn't sure why I would be a target either. 

Miles moves my hair to the side while Paxton stays sitting next to me on the bed. I hissed and arched my back as soon as Miles fingers touched the scratch mark on my back. 

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