Chapter 2: Getting In

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Y/N and Mike have worked hard through school and they even applied for Monsters University. Mike had grown about a foot since they decided they wanted to become Scarers. Y/N had gotten taller than Mike by four feet and went from adorable to beautiful. She now wore a S/F/C chevron shirt, blue skinny jeans, and cute gray boots.

Y/N went through the mail until she found a letter from Monsters University. She immediately called Mike.

"Hello?" Mike answered.

"Hey! Did you get a letter from Monsters University?" Y/N asked excitedly.

"Yeah! Did you?" he wondered.

"Yeah! Let's open them," she suggested.

"Okay! On the count of three," Mike said, grabbed his letter, and added, "One, two, THREE!"

They ripped them open and read them.

"I GOT IN!" they both shouted.

They cheered at that.

"Oh my gosh! Can you imagine the monsters', who doubted us, faces when we prove them wrong about us being Scarers?" Y/N asked.

"Oh yeah! We'll be laughing this time. I wonder if you'll actually find someone in particular there," Mike smirked.

"Ugh! Mike, why are you always persistent about me getting a boyfriend? It should be the other way around: you getting a girlfriend and me bugging you about it. Also, you're like an older brother to me and I would expect you to be overprotective about that sort of stuff," Y/N explained.

Mike chuckled then answered, "Well, sorry to disappoint you, but I haven't seen any girls that have caught my eye lately. Also, I haven't reached the overprotective stage like you haven't reached the 'getting a boyfriend' stage."

"You know what? You are like a brother to me because you know how to annoy me," Y/N smirked.

"I live to do so," Mike responded.

Y/N rolled her eyes as she answered, "Okay Wazowski. I gotta go. My parents don't know I got into MU yet."

"Neither do mine. I'll see you later," Mike replied.

"Will do," Y/N answered.

They hung up the phone, told their parents they got in, and immediately started preparations to move on campus.


A/N Yay! You guys got in! That's so awesome! Now it's time for Moving Day!

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