Chapter 25: The First Six Scarers of Both Teams

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Don and Bruiser lined up, Bruiser just practicing his growls.

"Hey, Bruiser! You take it easy on grandpa," Johnny said, making Bruiser smirk and Don worry a little.

"Unleash the beast, Don!" Art encouraged.

"Okay, then," Don answered a little uncertain.

The horn went off and the light went green. Don and Bruiser ran for their doors, looked in their files, and entered their rooms. Bruiser didn't get much of a scream, but Don used his tentacles to go from the ceiling and do an even better Scare, making everyone cheer.

"Huh? Huh?" Bruiser wondered, confused.

"Thanks for taking it easy on grandpa," Don smirked after he left the room then rejoined his team.

The refs fixed the rooms for the next Scarers and one of them gave them a thumbs-up.

"Next group to the starting line," Claire remarked.

Terri and Terry did their handshake and said together, "Let's do this."

They and Chet went when the horn went off. Each member of ROR and OK went and then it was between Y/N and G/E/N.

"Next up, M/L/N and Rancid," Claire said.

"Are you ready to lose to a real Scarer?" G/E/N asked harshly.

"No. That's what you're gonna do," Y/N snapped.

The horn went off and they ran to read their files. Y/N's had a girl on a farm in Kansas who was afraid of lightning. She realized that's what Hardscrabble asked Mike when they were kicked out of the Scaring Program. So she went in and hid behind the end of the bed. She waited and did the Shadow Approach with a Crackle Holler. It screamed and when she saw the scores, she did a little better than G/E/N, but they were still a little behind, but not by much. The team congratulated her and she smiled.

Then it was Sulley's turn, but he didn't go without Y/N kissing his cheek.

"For luck. Not that you need it," Y/N smiled.

"Thanks. And to return the favor," Sulley replied and kissed her forehead.

Then he and Randall approached the starting line and readied themselves.

"Next up, Sullivan and Boggs!" Brock announced.

The horn went off, they ran for the rooms, and opened their files. Sulley saw it was a girl from Kauai, USA who was afraid of lions and thunder. This meant he could roar.

"You got this, Sull," Mike said to himself.

"Come on, Blue Boy," Y/N whispered.

Sulley and Randall went in and hid (Randall being invisible). Then Sulley roared loudly, shaking the area and Randall fell on a pink, heart carpet, turning into that pattern. Then he roared, but Sulley definitely got more and both teams were tied.

"And it's all tied up!" Brock cheered.

"Tough break for the RORs," Claire added.

Sulley came back and Y/N ran into his arms. He hugged her, spun her around, and when he set her down, they kissed for a minute. When they parted, the Oozmas just smirked at them, including Mike. They rolled their eyes and Sulley high-fived the others.

Meanwhile, Randall was coming back and he bumped into Johnny.

"Huh?" he said.

"Hearts?!" Johnny yelled.

Randall looked at himself, still in the  pattern of hearts.

"Way to go, Boggs!" Chet snapped.

He looked over at the Oozmas, all cheering on Sulley. He angrily turned back to his regular purple.

"That's the last time I lose to you, Sullivan," Randall growled. (A/N Not!)

G/E/N went up to him and hugged him from behind.

"Don't worry, Randy. We'll get our revenge one day. I promise," she said.


A/N Your team is tied with the RORs; plus, Randall and G/E/N have plotted their revenge against you guys. Fun.

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