Chapter 29: Y/N and Sulley Need to Save Mike

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Mike locked the door, set up a canister, pressed a button, and set his hat to the side. He was ready to prove everyone wrong.

"Open the door!" one of the teachers commanded.

"Don't go in there!" another added.

But Mike stayed there and when the light turned red, Mike entered. He approached the bed then moved the curtains, waking the little girl. He got ready and roared. All she did was gasp when she saw him. When he did it again, nothing happened.

"You look funny," the girl said.

"What?" Mike asked, confused.

Then he saw he was in a cabin with other kids. They looked at him with curiosity and when Mike tried to go back through the closet, another child blocked it after going to the bathroom. He roared but she roared back. He was then surrounded by little kids with flashlights and couldn't find a way out.

Meanwhile, Y/N and Sulley made it to the door lab where monsters surrounded where the teachers, security guards, and Hardscrabble were.

"James! Y/N!" Don called.

They saw they put police tape over the door Mike went in and in front of their door.

"No one goes near that door until the authorities arrive," Hardscrabble decided.

"You don't think that could be--" Don started.

"It's Mike," Sulley said.

"No question about it," Y/N added.

"But he could die out there!" Squishy exclaimed.

Sulley knew what he had to do. He turned to Y/N and held her hands.

"Y/N, stay here with the guys. I'll be right back," he instructed.

"What? No. If you go, I'm going too," she stated.

"Y/N--" Sulley started to object.

"He's like a brother to me and I'm not gonna stand by when he could get hurt or worse. And if anything happened to you or him, I wouldn't be able to live with myself, knowing I could've done something," Y/N explained.

Sulley was still hesitant, but he knew he couldn't change her mind.

"Fine. But stay close," he decided, she nodded, and they took down the police tape.

"Guys, wait! We can help," Squishy said.

"Leave it to the old master of sales," Don remarked, holding his business cards.

They let him go first and he approached the others.

"We got a call in, but that's the best we can do," one of the security guards told Hardscrabble.

"Ahem! Don Carlton, sales. Folks, today is your lucky day. How many times have you asked yourself the following question..." Don started.

"Arrest him," Hardscrabble said.

"Pardon?" Don questioned then was tackled to the wall.

"Spread them, pops!" one guard commanded.

"Do you mind?" Don asked.

"Don't move," the guard stated.

That's when Y/N and Sulley ran to the door and ripped off the police tape, but Hardscrabble saw them.

"What? Sullivan! M/L/N! Don't you dare! You two! Don't go in there!" she commanded.

But they went in and closed the door, ready to find Mike.


A/N Will you and Sulley find Mike before it's too late?

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