Chapter 31: A Plan to Get Back

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They heard the police coming and Sulley started running while Mike hid behind a stump and Y/N hid behind some of the canoes. When Sulley looked back and saw they weren't following, they told him to go on. He hesitated, but went. Once the police got there and they weren't looking, Y/N grabbed Mike and flew after Sulley. Meanwhile, Sulley ran until he came to a ledge that he couldn't climb. The police were right behind him and he struggled to get up.

"Sulley!" Y/N and Mike yelled.

He looked up to see Mike bending a root for him to grab and Y/N offering her hand. He grabbed both and Y/N and Sulley pulled to get him up. Once done, they all ran back to the cabin, but when they opened the closet, it was just a closet.

"No!" Mike exclaimed.

Meanwhile, at the school, Hardscrabble had just turned the power off on the door.

"They're still in there!" Don pointed out.

"Until the authorities arrive, this door stays off!"Hardscrabble said.

"No! You can't do that! No!" Squishy yelled, trying to get to the door, but security held him back.

"Enough! I want this room cleared now!" Hardscrabble demanded.

Security dragged everyone else out of there, despite their objections and they closed it off.

Mike kept shutting the door and opening to try and get it to work, but it didn't.

"Guys, we got company," Y/N warned.

They looked to see the cops right outside.

"We got to get out of here!" Sulley exclaimed.

"Let them come," Mike whispered.

"What?" Sulley questioned.

"If we scare them, I mean really scare them, we could generate enough scream to power the door from this side!" Mike explained.

"What are you talking about?" Sulley asked.

"I have read every book about Scaring ever written. This could work!" Mike said.

"He's right, Sulley. It could," Y/N agreed.

"They're adults. I can't do this," Sulley disagreed.

"Yes, you can. I know you can," Y/N told him.

"Just follow my lead," Mike added.

Sulley seemed hesitant, but he nodded and positioned himself.


A/N Will Mike's plan work? Not to mention that since I love horror movies, you can imagine how reacted to this next part. Lol!

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