Chapter 7: The RORs

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Mike put up his calendar and wrote when the exam was as Randall tried to talk him into going to a party.

"Come on Mike; it's a fraternity and sorority party. We have to go!" Randall insisted.

"We flunk that scaring final, we are done. I'm not taking any chances," Mike said, crossing off the first day.

"We've got the whole semester to study, but this might be our only chance to get in good with the cool kids. That's why I made these cupcakes," Randall said, saw one of the cupcakes upside down and fixed it, saying, "Oops. That could have been embarrassing."

"When I'm a Scarer, life will be a nonstop party. Stay outta trouble, wild man!" Mike told him.

Randall chuckled and remarked as he left, "Wild man."

Mike was about to start studying when he heard his window open. He looked to see a pig come up to the window sill.

"What the-?" he said.

Then the pig leapt up in the room, making Mike scream a little.

"Archie!" Sulley called, coming through the window.

Mike screamed again, making Sulley do the same as he fell in. Archie then ran under Mike's bed.

"Hey! What are you--" Mike demanded.

Sulley shushed him.

"Wait, you're shushing me?! Hey, hey, you can't--" Mike started.

Sulley covered his mouth as he looked to see Fear Tech students, looking for him and the pig. Then they left and Sulley just smirked.

"Fear Tech dummies," Sulley chuckled.

He then saw Mike couldn't breathe, so he removed his hand and Mike gasped for air.

"Oh, sorry about that, buddy," he apologized.

"Why are you in my room?!" Mike demanded.

"Your room? This is my--" Sulley looked around then realized, "This is not my room."

Then he looked under Mike's bed.

"Archie! Come here, boy," Sulley called while making pig noises.

"Archie?" Mike wondered.

"Archie the Scare Pig. He's Fear Tech's mascot," Sulley answered.

"Why is it here?" Mike asked.

Sulley chuckled and answered, "I stole it. Going to take it to the RORs."

"The what?" Mike wondered.

"Roar Omega Roar. The top fraternity on campus. They only accept the highly elite. Okay, I'll lift the bed, you grab the pig. Ready?" Sulley explained.

"What? No, no..." Mike refused.

"One, two, three," Sulley counted then pushed Mike under the bed.

"Oh!" Mike exclaimed.

"That's it. Don't let go. Careful. He's a biter," Sulley warned.

Archie dragged Mike from under the bed then ran all over Sulley.

"Whoa! Whoa, hey...Whoa!" Sulley shouted.

Then Archie landed on the floor then crawled up the bookshelf.

"I got him! Uh-oh! Whoa!" Sulley said and jumped on the bookshelf, but it fell on him.

He pushed it off of himself and just laughed.

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