Chapter 16: Try Not To Get Caught

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It was the second event of the Scare Games. The RORs and PNKs had already gotten their flags in the library. The Oozmas were tiptoeing as quietly as they could to get theirs. Basically, each member except Y/N and Sulley were mimicking Mike.

"Why aren't you doing what he's doing?" Sulley whispered to Y/N.

"He knows that I can handle myself. Let's face it, Blue Boy; I'm the girl version of both you and Mike combined," Y/N whispered back.

"Both brains and brawn. Not something you see in a girl all the time; I like it," Sulley smirked.

"Well, get used to it," Y/N smiled.

"We are at the halfway point of the second event, and things are getting interesting," Claire said quietly.

The HSS got their flag at that moment.

"Got it," one of the members whispered and the team pulled her up.

"Only two teams left. Who will make it out with their flag, and who will be eliminated?" Claire said.

"In a real Scare, you do not want to get caught by a kid's parent. And in this event, you do not want to get caught by the librarian," Brock stated quietly and excitedly.

A gray monster in a dark dress shushed the whole room.

"Quiet," she warned and went back to reading her book.

"What's so scary about a little old librarian?" Terri smirked.

A student was about to leave when he made the floor creak. The librarian closed her book and went from six feet to 50 feet with large tentacles. One of them grabbed that student.

"I said, 'Quiet,'" she growled.

She threw him outside where he landed in the water and went to looking on the shelves for more books. Terri hugged Terry in fear, now knowing the answer to his question.

The Oozmas kept going, Mike testing each board to make sure it wasn't squeaky.

"Faster," Sulley whispered.

"Slow and steady," Mike instructed and each member passed it back.

Sulley was about to lose his mind and Y/N felt bad, but she knew that if he did anything other than what Mike said, they would continue to argue and they could lose in this event.

Sulley saw the other team about to make it to their flag, so he got out of line and quickly and quietly approached the ladder to their flag.

"Sullivan!" Mike whispered and the others did as well.

He shushed them (they mimicked) then groaned (which they mimicked again).

Sulley approached the ladder, but he stepped on an extremely squeaky board. He froze as the librarian looked around, but without her glasses. So she just ignored it and went back to what she was doing. Once she did, Sulley climbed the ladder and tried to grab the flag, but the ladder started coming loose. He still tried to get it, but the ladder gave way and fell with Sulley underneath, signaling the librarian. She approached Sulley and was about to grab him.

"No!" Mike whispered.

"Hey!" a voice yelled.

The librarian, Sulley, and Mike looked to see Y/N.

"Come and get some," she challenged.

The librarian growled and approached her. She tried to grab her, but Y/N was too fast and flexible. She flipped and flew over and ducked under the tentacles until one of them smacked her into the shelf and she held her left wrist in pain.

Before the librarian could grab her, a suction-cup sound was heard. She looked to see Don on the ground moving his tentacles against the floor. She growled and approached him, giving Sulley the opportunity to check on Y/N.

"Y/N, you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah. Been through worse," she shrugged off and tried to smirk.

He chuckled and helped her up.

Before the librarian could get Don, Terri and Terry got her attention.

"Five, six, seven, eight!" they yelled and danced, then called over, "Look over here!"

She came toward them until she heard and saw Art kicking stuff off the tables and throwing papers in the air.

"Is that legal?" a monster asked.

"You better believe it, mop top! The only rule is don't get caught," Brock answered.

Art dodged her tentacles while Sulley and Y/N saw the EEKs trying to get their flag.

"Hey! Over here! Come and get me! Come and get me! Whoo-hoo!" the "OK" members kept yelling.

In the process of trying to get Oozma Kappa, the librarian knocked the EEKs off the balcony, but kept chasing the Oozmas.

"Guys, what are you doing?" Mike asked.

"They said don't let her catch you," Terry pointed out.

"But they didn't say how!" Terri added.

They and Don grabbed Mike and dragged him along as he screamed. Sulley picked Y/N up bridal style and ran with the other members. They kept going until they jumped outside and landed on their backs. Sulley did as well, protecting Y/N from getting hurt any worse.

"We did it!" Art exclaimed.

"No, we didn't. We forgot the flag!" Mike stated.

"Mike?" Squishy called, scaring Mike again.

He turned to see that Squishy retrieved the flag.

"Way to go, Squishy!" the members congratulated.

"How?" Mike asked in amazement.

"Misdirection," Terri answered.

That's when the EEKs were thrown out by the librarian into the water.

"The EEKs have been eliminated and Oozma Kappa live to scare another day!" Brock announced as Claire took off the purple board and Hardscrabble just looked at the Oozmas.

"We're OK! We're OK! We're OK!" they chanted.

Mike smiled, knowing they were one step closer to getting back in the Scaring Program.


A/N You guys won another round in the Scare Games! Nice! But why do I always have the reader or myself get injured? Well, for me, it's because of my injuries I have now. But for the reader, idk. Anyway, back to the story.

Monsters University (Sulley X Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora