Actions Speak Louder Than Words (Jacob x Reader) (Modern)

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The darkness presses inward. There is no room to stretch or get comfortable. As with any cat, being trapped inside boxes is high on your list of things to avoid, but it’s not as though you actually had a choice in the matter. The agonised groans of the car engine come to a sudden end, and here comes the worst part; Your body collides with the wall of your cardboard prison as it is hoisted carelessly into a pair of muscular arms and carried somewhere else.

“I think you’re really going to enjoy your new home.” Came the cheerful and heavily accented voice of the man who took you away from that horrible, damp and stinky cage you were forced to call home.

Your tail bristles as the box lurches suddenly to the left, then to the right, before eventually evening out as its lowered to the floor. Finally. Stable ground. Your (colour) orbs flicker to the tiny specks of light poking through the makeshift holes allowing you to breathe, paws shifting as you nervously await to be released.

“My sister is right behind us,” He continues, his heavy footsteps moving around the room. “She threatened to castrate me if I let you out before she got here. Hang in there.” There’s a humming, clicking sound. After that, some loud notes that start to form a tune. A guitar. This guy has sparked up an amplifier and is hacking away a guitar solo when he should be letting you out. The tune part is barely discernible, but what he lacks in talent, he makes up for in volume. As much as you hated being cramped in a box with barely enough room to turn, it was still better than whatever horrors might be lurking outside. You remain deathly silent, you tail tucking between your legs.

The music doesn't carry on quite as long as it might have. It might be that your silence unnerves this human. Or it could be due to the fact that another car just pulled up outside.

"Are you alright in there, puss?" The kindness in his voice depletes your fear of what's outside.

A plaintive mew leaves your mouth as he makes for the front door. Then there’s a second voice – the woman named Evie, whose pleasant voice you recognize from the shelter.

“Do you think you could give me a hand, Jacob?”

You hear rustling, perhaps plastic bags. Car keys clattering on wood. Jacob’s incoherent grumbling of getting stuck carting grocery bags grows nearer but is cut off when Evie’s voice erupts. “Jacob! What the hell?!”

The pounding of running feet ends when Evie reaches your cardboard confinement. Her hands scrabble at the tabs and slots above you. “Not even five minutes and you’re already screwing up. Can’t you see the poor thing is in distress?”

There’s a disbelieving snort from Jacob. “Don’t look at me with those judgey eyes. You threatened to castrate me if I didn’t wait for you, and in case you haven’t noticed, I’m pretty fond of that area.”

“Believe me, Jacob, I know. Your hand spends so much time down there I’m surprised you don’t start charging rent.”

“Now hold on a minute—”

Your whiskers twitched in mild annoyance at their bickering. Here they were fighting when letting you out should be at the top of the priority list.

Box flaps are twisted and pulled. Then, directly above you, there’s light – a lamp with five bulbs in fluted casings. It was quite fancy looking.

“There we are,” Evie smiles warmly, leaning back. From here you can only see her head: Brown braids and freckles splattered across a heart-shaped face.

You poke your head out even farther from your biodegradable prison to see an expanse of cream coloured carpet. You blink and scan the room, taking in entertainment-system gadgets and bookshelves boasting handfuls of deliciously tippable trinkets. The sheer luxury of the place is certainly not lost on you. Even the wood of the coffee table matches the walnut inlays on the furniture. The furniture itself matches the curtains – the entire room a meticulous harmony of maroon, cream, and wood. You can’t help but momentarily wonder what it is these two do to have afforded such a palace.

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