The Story of Hating School

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"My point is, not everything's perfect, especially at the beginning. And it's all right to have a little bit of regret every once in a while. It's when you feel it all the time and can't do anything about it... that's when you get into trouble." - Sarah Dessen, Lock & Key.


I Lennon John Janno hate school. I bet right now you're like 'Wait a second Lennon John?' Yeah, my parents had some weird obsession with the Beatles so obviously my siblings were named that too. But we will get into that later.

Basically, I hate school. Why? Not because of the boring classes and teachers or homework. But the real reason I hate school is because of the stupid stereo-typical people. I think you can already guess I would be a nerd. Dork. Complete Geek. Yet, my best friend Vinnie McJavensen is head cheerleader. I guess opposites really do attract.

We are the type of best friends that strangers would do a double take for. I mean you can practically eat the bubbly, high-spirited personality coming off her. Head-cheerleader is practically written in Sharpie across her forehead.

I on the other hand hide my bubbly side and keep the more shy personality out. My nerdy side with the thick glasses covering my features. I usually keep a humble stance out in public. While Vinnie practically does her cheering routine on the sidewalk as we walk. So you can see the double-takes are common to strangers.

"You know I should buy you a cheer-leading outfit," Vinnie stated as we walked down the halls. I sighed and shook my head.

"Maybe a push-up bra, too," she said thoughtfully and my eyes widened.

"No," I squeaked.

"We are so going to VS today," Vinnie sighed.

"Sure. I need some new perfume," I shrugged carelessly.

'You'll drive?" she asked me.

"Yes," I nodded before she went to some cheer-leading meeting and I went to my locker. I shoved my books in my locker and headed to first period. Sitting all the way in the back I pulled out my old and beat-up The Fault in Our Stars. The only reason it is so beat-up is because I spend most of my time reading and re-reading it.

The late-bell rang and my teacher walked in smiling like an idiot. I squinted slightly and readjusted my glasses before my eyes finally focused ahead of me. I may be a nerd but I definitely do not like sitting in the front. I mean all the people who don't want to be here sit back here. But all the people who get picked on are the nerds that sit up front so I stay where I am and where I have always been since the beginning of September.

"Since it is January, I decided I want to do a project for the next two months. It is simple, easy. I will be assigning partners but you will have to write a story about you and your partner. I will be assigning partners because I want some people mixed differently to try and make new friends," Mr. Benz the English teacher stated and half the class groaned the other half rolled their eyes and looked away from the person they were going to pick as a partner.

"Today I will be assigning partners and the rest of the period will be for you two to get to know each other," he looks down at a sheet of paper and calls out a bunch of names. Some girls get excited that they are paired with some hot boy while the boys just sigh in irritation.

"And lastly, Lennon Janno and Parker Campano," Mr. Benz smiles at me but then looks around the class in confusion.

"I guess Parker either skipped or is absent," he frowned and turned back to me.

"Well you can just relax then since Mr. Campano isn't here," he sighs.

I nod my head but inside I am dying. I guess you can say Parker is the 'bad boy' of the school. Girls follow him around like a lost puppy. He is cute. Like HOT cute. But he is so mysterious and his eyes are always so cold that I can't find myself knowing him well. I guess the cold eyes and hard face 'lure' girls in. It just doesn't do that to me.

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