The Story of Weddings

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The Story of Weddings

"Lennon, please call me back." I end the voice-mail and delete it.

It's been about a week since I got out of the hospital and I am gaining back some weight and overall I look a lot better. But Parker has been trying to contact me non-stop now.

"Just call him back. You can both use some closure," Vinnie groans.

"Fine,” I sigh and dial his number.

Not even half a ring later the phone is picked up.

"Lennon." Parker sighs in relief.

"Hi," my voice is tense as I shift in my spot.

"Lennon, I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. I know I shouldn't have gotten that tattoo but it felt like the only way I could know you were mine and I was yours," he rushes and his words simmer down some of my boiling anger. 

"I know,” I sigh.

"So you'll forgive me?" his voice fills with hope and i gulp.

"Yes, of course. I can't hold a grudge forever. We both needed some closure and hopefully we can go back to being friends," I mutter. It kills me because I honestly don't want to be 'just friends' to the guy I am in love with. But it doesn't matter now.

"W-what? Friends?" his voice cracks and a lone tear falls from my eye.

"Yes, friends," my voice wavers and my breath is shaky and Vinnie comes up to me and starts rubbing my back comfortingly.

"Lennon, please, I know we both want to be together. Just give me another chance. I know I messed up and I regret it every day. Well know I don't regret it. You are the first person I ever lo- took so seriously that it killed me that day. And no matter how hard it was for me when you broke us up I wouldn't regret it. I wanted- no needed a reminder of you, Lennon. I mean some nerdy girl with huge glasses and cute brown eyes snuck her way in my heart and I would and still always want a reminder of that," he breathes at the end of his speech and I'm sobbing.

"It's not all about the tattoo, Parker," I sob," I was afraid. Afraid when you showed me the tattoo. I have never been in a relationship before. You were my first for everything and the fact that you got a tattoo for me. I mean I'm a nobody and the fact that you took your time to get a tattoo that represents me after not even two months of dating terrified me. I can't keep up with your pace of a relationship and I was scared that if when I was invested in this relationship too much and all of the sudden you dumped me for not being at your pace in a relationship I would be left more broken-hearted than I was before."

"Then let's do your pace. I don't care if we can't even hold hands the first day or the first month. i don't care if it takes us three centuries to share a kiss Lennon. I'll wait. Cross my heart, I will wait for you. And I will stay at the same pace and do nothing too fast because the only thing I care about is being together. Being able to call you mine and you calling me yours," he breathes out.

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