The Story of Suspects

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The devil was once an angel


I managed to avoid Parker for a whole week until I cancelled yesterday's day with Parker because I called my dad up from... whatever town he was in for a meeting and started coughing and throwing up over the phone. I even sent him a picture of my throw-up to prove it to him which he complained that it looked gross and I agreed. I mean I was faking it all that was gross, actually throwing up. I mean it happens to everybody. I just don't like it. But when he got home I had no temperature and he found most of the liquids he bought the day before mostly missing. And I even tore apart some bread and threw it in the thick disgusting looking liquid.

I was about to pull my pants up when Vinnie's new ring tone popped up. I pushed the accept button and pressed the phone to my ear. I scowled instantly when I heard the annoying voice.

"Lennon, Vinnie, Reece and I are picking you up in 15 minutes what do you want from MC Donald's?" Parker asks carefully but coolly. As if he is afraid the ice in his tone will send me ballistic. It did.

On the inside.

"Vinnie knows what I want." I answer back in a distant tone.

"Oh, Vinnie told me to tell you to wear the paladin costume. Whatever that means." he grumbles and I sigh an okay and tug off my jeans.

"Which one? Lane or Kyle?" I question. You see Vinnie and I love to have themed outfits. And today I guess Vinnie decided we do super heroes. Paladin is a synonym for superhero and Vinnie and I both own our favorite superhero outfits. We both have Batman and Superman outfits. We found them at the mall one day and bought them. But we never where the same hero because... well that would be awkward.

We made up code names so no one would really know what we meant. I have no idea why but we do it anyway. Lane is Superman because his love interest was Lois Lane. And Batman had a couple love interests but we chose Selina Kyle. We took their last names and made that so if I call her up and say 'Paladin outfits I'm Kyle' that means 'super hero outfits I'm Batman.'

"Umm, Lane." he answers and I nod and hang up without a goodbye. I tug off my shirt and rummage through my closet until I find the Superman shirt. I tug it on over my head then pull up my shorts.

I slip on my Superman socks and push my feet in my red converse. I pick off a big red matching bow that lays on my counter and braid two long strands of hair before I pull them behind my head and clip it with the bow.

I get a text once I'm ready saying they are outside and rush to the front door telling my dad goodbye. I'm glad Mackie would rather ride the bus with her friends so I don't have to take her to school all the time.

I climb into Reece's truck and buckle my seat. I take the food off of the seat where Parker left it. I thank Vinnie and start munching on my breakfast.

"Lennon," I hear but choose to ignore it.

Reece and Vinnie are in some deep conversation about...wait why are they talking about different kinds of soap? Weird couple. They obviously don't want to be interrupted so I face towards the window and look at the passing scenery.

"Lennon. We need to talk. You can't avoid me forever. I'm coming over today." Parker warns me and I roll my eyes.

"Look, can you just leave me alone? I'm through with typing the story so I can just give you a copy in school and when we present it we get a grade. No complications. God knows I have enough of those already," I groan and rub my forehead. I feel a head ache coming already.

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