The Story of Pictures

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Fear is a powerful force that somehow does not allow many people to get what they want in life ~ David Schwarts

Author's Note!

Hey. So the parentheses in this chapter will be what they are saying above. For example:

"Ciao a tutti spero che si sta godendo la mia storia!"

(Hello eveyone I hope you are enjoying my story!)


"I am going to kill that mother fu"-cue profanities shouted carelessly around-"shole."

Vinnie finished her mini rant and I smiled. During breakfast she demanded that I tell her everything that had happened yesterday. She smiled and bowed cockily when I told her about Parker finding her little present for me. But then as the story escalated she got a little angry. And usually when she is feeling something and it gets overwhelming she shouts in Italian. Which happens a lot.

"Lo uccidero che l'uomo" she shouts in fury.

(I will kill that man)

"Egli ha danneggiato e umiliato tu notevolmente" thankfully I can mostly understand her.

(He has harmed and humiliated you greatly)

"Calmate, Venazia! Calmati, Venazia! Egli e pieno di vergogna. Lui mi ha mostrato." I wave my hands in the air. A habit I inherited from my mother.

(Calm down, Venice! Calm down, Venice! He is full of shame. He has shown me.)


(He has?)

"si." I confirm with a yes.

"Era meglio avere." she mutters silently but I ignore it.

(He better have.)

"So what do you want to do today?" Vinnie rests her chin on her palm and leans towards me.

"Well you need to shower!" I tease and she rolls her eyes to go have one. Yes, it is normal for us to have showers at each other’s houses. And we do share clothes.

"Cagna." she mumbles as she trudges up the steps.


"Ho sentito che hai disordinato freak di capelli!" I shout back.

(I heard that you messy haired freak!)

I giggle when I hear her shout something back but it is muffled by the floors that layer between us. I go to my father's room to take my own shower. I pull off my purple cast and set it down I unravel the wrap that keeps the cast from irritating my skin and throw it out. I wince at the large, purple, swollen hand that is practically pulsing from being wrapped.

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